2nd Sunday of Lent
(Unless otherwise indicated, the above photos were taken at Mt. Tabor in Israel on 3/9/17.)
- National Catholic Bioethics Center holds symposium on 'brain death' in DC with 'diverse' voices (Heidi Klessig, MD, 3/7/25)
- "In an area such as this, in fact, there cannot be the slightest suspicion of arbitration and where certainty has not been attained the principle of precaution must prevail" (Pope Benedict XVI, 2008)
- “Brain Death” Lacks Medical, Moral, and Legal Foundations and is a Concealed Form of Euthanasia (Heidi Klessig, MD, 2/12/25)
- Nigerian priest murdered on Ash Wednesday (CatholicVote org, 3/6/25)
- Nigeria once again declared world’s deadliest country for Christians (CatholicVote org, 3/4/25)
- Re: Bulletin-- Proposed Cuts to Medicaid/SNAP (Catholic365, 3/5/25)
- Medicaid & Just War Analysis (Catholic365, 3/4/25)
- Don’t give Trump a pass on IVF (Phil Lawler, 3/4/25)
- An Open Letter to JD Vance about IVF (Sister Renee Merkes, OSF, PhD, 2/28/25)
- Remind President Trump of the Perils of IVF (Human Life Action, 2/19/25)
- MI State Rep slams "gay marriage" SCOTUS ruling, inflames leftists (Mass Resistance, 3/2/25)
- Cardinal Cupich v Catholic Teaching on Homosexuality (Catholic365, 3/1/25)
- Children of God for Life's "Updated Charts as of February 1, 2025"