- John Paul II’s Encyclical letter Evangelium vitae (1995);
John Paul II, Discourse to participants in the International Congress on transplants (29 August 2000), no. 4: AAS 92 (2000), 823-824;
The Encyclical Letters of Benedict XVI, Spe salvi on Christian hope (2007) and Caritas in veritate (2009);
Benedict XVI, Discourse to participants in the International Congress promoted by the Pontifical Academy for Life on the theme of organ donation (2008);
Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium, on the proclamation of the Gospel in Today’s World (2013);
Pope Francis, Message to the participants in the General Assembly of the Pontifical Academy for Life on the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of its institution (2014);
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Responsa ad quaestiones ab Episcopali Conferentia Foederatorum Americae Statuum propositas circa cibum et potum artificialiter praebenda [English translation] (2007);
The Instruction of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Dignitas personae (2008);
Pontifical Academy for Life, Prospects for Xenotransplantation - Scientific Aspects and Ethical Considerations (Vatican City, 2001);
Pontifical Academy for Life, Moral reflections on vaccines prepared from cells derived from aborted human foetuses (2005)."
- Living
- (Human
life inviolable and 'indisposable; Abortion and the destruction of
nascent life; Embryo reduction; Interception and contragestation;
Ectopic pregnancies; Anencephalic fetuses; Conscientious objection;
Defending the right to life;
Prevention; Prevention and vaccines; Medical prevention and society;
Interventions on the genome; Gene therapy; Regenerative therapy;
Treatment and rehabilitation;
- Prescription
and appropriate use of pharmaceuticals; Access to available medications
and technologies; Sustainable health, pharmaceutical companies, rare or
neglected diseases; Pain relief treatments;
Informed consent of the patient;
- Xenotransplants; Transplantation and personal identity; Abuses in transplantation;
Forms of dependence; Drug dependence; Alcoholism; Tobacco dependence;
- Pastoral care and the sacrament of the Annointing of the Sick;
Ethics committees and clinical ethics counseling;
- Conclusion
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