in Pennsylvania's First Congressional District's_1st_congressional_district
and the Central Garden State

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Informed consent of the patient

Informed consent of the patient
"96. The health care worker can intervene if he has previously obtained the patient's consent, implicitly (when the medical acts are routine and involve no particular risks) or explicitly (in documentable form when the treatments involve risks)...."

"97. Consent may be presumed in a case where the health care worker is called to intervene on a patient who is momentarily or permanently incapable of understanding and deciding, so as to save the patient...."

"98. In a case where the patient is not capable of understanding the necessary information...and there is no urgent need to intervene, the health care worker must the legal representative and request consent....When the patient authorizes it, his relatives can be informed about his state of health and his treatments and be involved in these decisions."

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