in Pennsylvania's First Congressional District's_1st_congressional_district
and the Central Garden State

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Comments needed to HHS by August 13

  • Let Doctors Practice Medicine, Not Abortion (Human Life Action - Comment to HHS by August 13.).
  • Citing egregious concerns outlined by the American Life League, tell Senators Casey, Toomey, Booker, and Menendez that the budget MUST protect children at all stages pof life. 
  • Oppose the Misnamed Equality Act (Human Life Action)
  • Support the Child Welfare Provider Inclusion Act (USCCB)
  • Born-Alive Legislation Deserves a Vote in the People's House (USCCB
  • Tell the Senate to Reject Religion Tests for Judicial Nominees (USCCB)
  • Contact your U.S. senators and representatives today and ask them to support the LIFT for Charities Act! (USCCB)

Take Action for Pa

(Pa Catholic Conference Legislative Review and Voter Voice)
  • Please contact your Rep, Senator, and the Governor to ask for a religious exemption for Catholic adoptions (Pa Catholic Conf)
    • (See also the Pa Family Council link.)
  • Call for Funding Increase for Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) (Pa Catholic Conference

Take Action for NJ

  • Support the NJ Born Alive Survivors Protection Act A5287/S3905 (NJRTL)
  • Vote No on A5508/ S3804 (NJ Catholic Conf)
  • Protect Viable [New Jersey] Babies in the Womb – Equal rights for children who can survive outside the womb (

    On the right side of the home page, you will find links to email Church leadership about "Catholic" health care, Bucks country representation in DC, Bucks County representation in Harrisburg, Central NJ representation in DC and Central NJ in Trenton.

Monday, July 29, 2019

"If you were raised with Christ, seek what is above" (8/4/19)

Take Action Nationally

  • Citing egregious concerns outlined by the American Life League, tell Senators Casey, Toomey, Booker, and Menendez that the budget MUST protect children at all stages of life. 
  • Oppose the Misnamed Equality Act (Human Life Action)
  • Support the Child Welfare Provider Inclusion Act (USCCB)
  • Born-Alive Legislation Deserves a Vote in the People's House (USCCB
  • Tell the Senate to Reject Religion Tests for Judicial Nominees (USCCB)
  • Contact your U.S. senators and representatives today and ask them to support the LIFT for Charities Act! (USCCB)

Take Action for Pa

(Pa Catholic Conference Legislative Review and Voter Voice)
  • Please contact your Rep, Senator, and the Governor to ask for a religious exemption for Catholic adoptions (Pa Catholic Conf)
    • (See also the Pa Family Council link.)
  • Call for Funding Increase for Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) (Pa Catholic Conference

Take Action for NJ

  • Support the NJ Born Alive Survivors Protection Act A5287/S3905 (NJRTL)
  • Vote No on A5508/ S3804 (NJ Catholic Conf)
  • Protect Viable [New Jersey] Babies in the Womb – Equal rights for children who can survive outside the womb (

    On the right side of the home page, you will find links to email Church leadership about "Catholic" health care, Bucks country representation in DC, Bucks County representation in Harrisburg, Central NJ representation in DC and Central NJ in Trenton.
  • The Covington Catholic Teen Lost His First Court Battle, But Will Probably Win His Next (The Federalist, 7/29/19)
  • Can the pill really cause abortion? 5 truths every woman should know about this contraceptive (ChurchPop, 7/28/19)
  • France marks 3rd anniversary of priest’s murder by Islamic terrorists (Crux, 7/28/19
  • The Inconsistent beguiling thought of Boris Johnson (CWR, 7/28/19)
  • Our profound ignorance of the crimes of Communism: According to a stunning report by the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, one-third of Millennials (32%) “believe more people were killed under George W. Bush than under Joseph Stalin.” (CWR, 7/26/19)

Friday, July 26, 2019

Citing the concerns outlined by the American Life League, tell Senators Casey, Toomey, Booker, and Menendez that the budget MUST protect children at all stages of life.

Citing the concerns outlined by the American Life League, click to tell Senators Casey, Toomey, Booker, and Menendez that the budget MUST protect children at all stages of life. 

Action Item of the Week – Action needed in August on 2020 US budget bills (from American Life League, 7/26/19)

(This is from the American Life League's Pro-Life This Week – July 26, 2019
Highlighting has been added.) 

Action Item of the Week – Action needed in August on 2020 US budget bills

This is the time of year when the United States Senate and the House of Representatives work on the budget for the coming year. The federal government has a fiscal year that runs from October 1 through September 30. Thus, the budget for fiscal year 2020 is supposed to be in place by September 30, 2019; that’s just about 65 days from now. The budget bills are first passed in the House and then sent to the Senate. Once the Senate and House have approved the same bills, they are sent to the president for approval.

The 2020 budget bills have passed the Democratic-controlled House. They contain nine provisions that are anti-life. Those provisions are:

FY2020 Financial Services, General Government Appropriations Text (HR 3351

  • DORNAN (DC HYDE) AMENDMENT: Limits the Dornan Amendment abortion funding prohibition to “federal” funds, allowing DC to use locally-generated funds to pay for abortions on demand. (Title VIII – General Provisions – District of Columbia, Section 802)

FY2020 Labor, Health and Human Services Appropriations Text (HR 2740)

  • TITLE X:The Trump Administration’s final Protect Life (Title X) rule is repealed. Title X funding is increased to $400 million ($114 million increase)(Division A, Title II (HHS), HRSA, Family Planning)
  • CONSCIENCE PROTECTION RULE: The Trump Administration’s final Conscience Protection Rule is repealed. (Division A, Title II (HHS), General Provisions, Sec. 240)
  • FETAL TISSUE:Prohibition against the convening of an ethics advisory board to review applications for extramural fetal tissue research (outside researchers funded by HHS dollars.) This prohibition seeks to prevent HHS from withholding funds for extramural fetal tissue research(Division A, Title V-General Provisions, Sec 533)
  • TEEN PREGNANCY PREVENTION (TPP) FUNDING:TPP is funded at $110 million ($9 million increase) while requiring continued funding for Obama-era grantees like Planned Parenthood. Sexual Risk Avoidance education funding is eliminated ($35 million decrease)(Division A, Title II (HHS), Departmental Management, General Departmental Management)

FY2020 State, Foreign Operations Appropriations Text (HR 2740):

  • PROTECTING LIFE IN GLOBAL HEALTH ASSISTANCE (PLGHA):President Trump’s PLGHA policy is repealed, and future Administrations are prohibited from establishing a similar policy.(Division D, Title VII—General Provisions, Global Health Activities, Sec. 7058(a); Division D, Title VII – General Provisions, Assistance for Foreign Nongovernmental Organizations, Sec. 7064)
  • UNITED NATIONS POPULATION FUND (UNFPA): The bill appropriates $55.5 million ($23 million increase) for UNFPA(Division D, Title VII – General Provisions – United Nations Population Fund, Sec. 7057)
  • INTERNATIONAL FAMILY PLANNING: The bill appropriates not less than $750 million for [so-called] family planning/reproductive health programs ($175 million increase from FY19 levels). (Division D, Title VII – General Provisions – Global Health Activities, Sec. 7058)
  • PROGRAMMATIC CONTRACEPTIVE EXPANSIONS:Longstanding HIV/AIDs Provisions are altered to allow additional funds for contraceptives(Division D, Title VII – General Provisions, Global Health Activities, Sec. 7058)

All those who care about preborn babies, as well as our born children, are asked to get in touch with your United States senators and ask them to correct the nine problems cited above. Many senators will be back in their states during August and will be available for meetings. 

Make sure your senator knows you care and that you want the new budget bills to protect our children at all stages of life.

Reject budgets worthy of Sodom and Gommorah!


Action Item of the Week – Action needed in August on 2020 US budget bills (from American Life League, 7/26/19 - highlighting added).

Take Action Nationally

Take Action for Pa

(Pa Catholic Conference Legislative Review and Voter Voice)
  • Please contact your Rep, Senator, and the Governor to ask for a religious exemption for Catholic adoptions (Pa Catholic Conf)
    • (See also the Pa Family Council link.)
  • Call for Funding Increase for Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) (Pa Catholic Conference

Take Action for NJ

  • Support the NJ Born Alive Survivors Protection Act A5287/S3905 (NJRTL)
  • Vote No on A5508/ S3804 (NJ Catholic Conf)
  • Protect Viable [New Jersey] Babies in the Womb – Equal rights for children who can survive outside the womb (

    On the right side of the home page, you will find links to email Church leadership about "Catholic" health care, Bucks country representation in DC, Bucks County representation in Harrisburg, Central NJ representation in DC and Central NJ in Trenton.
  • Pro Life Prayer Vigil in Philly (7/27/19)
  • "If you are walking in the Old City of Jerusalem and you see a Romanesque church tucked just inside the Lion’s Gate within the Muslim Quarter, you have found the well-maintained Crusader Church of St. Anne. The church is known for its beautiful acoustics which reverberate off the austere stone walls, making one small voice resonate throughout every crevice.

    "This site is believed to be the home of Jesus’ grandparents, Saints Joachim and Anne, as well as the birthplace of our Blessed Mother. Upon entering the church you can take stone steps down to the cavelike crypt chapel and the remains of Saints Joachim and Anne’s home, which looks like a cave....

    " Just steps away from Saint Anne’s are the Pools of Bethesda, where Jesus healed the paralytic which we read about in the Gospel of John 5:8-9. It is also very close to the beginning of the Via Dolorosa (Stations of the Cross)….

    "Because Mary was so well formed by Saints Joachim and Anne, and taught how to love the Lord through the commandments, so too does she teach us how to love her Son. Even the popes have had something to say about the significance of grandparents in their grandchildren’s lives" (National Catholic Register, 7/26/19)

Thursday, July 25, 2019

"the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give His life as a ransom for many" (from the Gospel on the Feast of St James the Apostle)

    On the right side of the home page, you will find links to email Church leadership about "Catholic" health care, Bucks country representation in DC, Bucks County representation in Harrisburg, Central NJ representation in DC and Central NJ in Trenton.

Remind Congress that you are NOT ok with a budget that keeps abortion in business.

Click to Email Pa's congressional delegation, regarding federal positions.

Click to Email NJ's congressional delegation, regarding federal positions. (some email updates needed)

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Remind Congress that you are NOT ok with a budget that keeps abortion in business.

    On the right side of the home page, you will find links to email Church leadership about "Catholic" health care, Bucks country representation in DC, Bucks County representation in Harrisburg, Central NJ representation in DC and Central NJ in Trenton.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

What's happening to the ideas of religious freedom and defunding Planned Parenthood in the budget?

  • "Two foster moms are asking the U.S. Supreme Court to protect the right of a Catholic foster agency in Philadelphia to contract with the city without being required to place children with same-sex couples....Last March, the City of Philadelphia announced that it was experiencing a shortage of foster families, in part due to the opioid crisis, and put out a call for 300 new families to help accept children. A few days later, the city announced that it would no longer refer foster children to agencies that would not place them with same-sex couples" (CNA, 7/23/19).  This is just one of the reasons that we need to oppose the [so called] Equality Act and support the Child Welfare Provider Inclusion Act.
  • All Republicans had to do when they won the election in 2016 was to hold the line on the budget bill they helped pass in 2011 with control of just one branch of government. Instead, first with control of all three branches and now with control of two of the three, they are about to undo the one spending success of the past decade, and with it, pre-empt any leverage they have to pressure Democrats on a single issue....Republicans and even the Trump administration will once again hide behind military spending as excuse for this deal....There’s only one reason why Congress is doing this so quickly and rushing it before the August recess. They know the president is influenced by his conservative base and will reject this plan if it’s allowed to be exposed to the sunlight of the August townhalls held by members of Congress. Where is the outrage from media members who claim the mantle of conservatism? At the precise moment when their voice needs to be heard, they remain silent" (Conservative Review, 7/23/19).
    • "Congressional and White House negotiators reached a deal to increase federal spending and raise the government’s borrowing limit, securing a bipartisan compromise to avoid a looming fiscal crisis and pushing the next budget debate past the 2020 election.  The deal for more than $2.7 trillion in spending over two years, which must still pass both chambers of Congress and needs President Trump’s signature, would suspend the debt ceiling until the end of July 2021. It also raises spending by nearly $50 billion next fiscal year above current levels.... Congressional leaders pledged to forgo any 'poison pills,' or measures that lawmakers include in appropriations bills that advance partisan goals. House Democrats have included a number of policy provisions aimed at canceling Trump administration initiatives in the spending bills they advanced in their chamber this year. Those measures were already unlikely to pass in the GOP-controlled Senate" (Wall Street Journal, 7/22/19).
      • Senate pro-lifers caution Trump against abortion funding in spending negotiations (CNA, 7/22/19
      • As per Jim Sedlak of the American Life League, "pro-life organizations should unite on making abortion illegal under all circumstances and always explain why that is the right approach" (OneNewsNow, 7/22/19)
      • Trump administration halts enforcement of new abortion rule (The Washington Times, 7/21/19
  • Jihadists Rape, Stone Christian Woman to Death in Syria (Jerusalem Post, 7/23/19)
  • Missionary Priest Says Plight of Iraq’s Christians Continues to Worsen (National Catholic Register, 7/22/19

  • Memorial of Saints Joachim and Anne (July 26) - Grandpa and Grandma to Jesus!

    Take Action Nationally

    • Oppose the Misnamed Equality Act (Human Life Action)
    • Support the Child Welfare Provider Inclusion Act (USCCB)
    • Born-Alive Legislation Deserves a Vote in the People's House (USCCB
    • Tell the Senate to Reject Religion Tests for Judicial Nominees (USCCB)
    • Contact your U.S. senators and representatives today and ask them to support the LIFT for Charities Act! (USCCB)

    Take Action for Pa

    (Pa Catholic Conference Legislative Review and Voter Voice)
    • Please contact your Rep, Senator, and the Governor to ask for a religious exemption for Catholic adoptions (Pa Catholic Conf)
      • (See also the Pa Family Council link.)
    • Call for Funding Increase for Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) (Pa Catholic Conference

    Take Action for NJ

    • Support the NJ Born Alive Survivors Protection Act A5287/S3905 (NJRTL)
    • Vote No on A5508/ S3804 (NJ Catholic Conf)
    • Protect Viable [New Jersey] Babies in the Womb – Equal rights for children who can survive outside the womb (
    On the right side of the home page, you will find links to email Church leadership about "Catholic" health care, Bucks country representation in DC, Bucks County representation in Harrisburg, Central NJ representation in DC and Central NJ in Trenton.

Monday, July 22, 2019

"The so great, and their sin so grave...." (7/28/19)

  • Pro Life Prayer Vigil in Philly (7/27/19)
  • Memorial of Jesus' grandparents (7/26/19)
  • Senate pro-lifers caution Trump against abortion funding in spending negotiations (CNA, 7/22/19
  • As per Jim Sedlak of the American Life League, "pro-life organizations should unite on making abortion illegal under all circumstances and always explain why that is the right approach" (OneNewsNow, 7/22/19)
  • Missionary Priest Says Plight of Iraq’s Christians Continues to Worsen (National Catholic Register, 7/22/19
  • Trump administration halts enforcement of new abortion rule (The Washington Times, 7/21/19)

Take Action Nationally

  • Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act; Exchange Program Integrity.  In a 7/1/19 letter to HHS Secretary Azar, 25 U.S. Senators and 103 members of the U.S. House of Representatives expressed support for the "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act; Exchange Program Integrity" to get rid of hidden abortion surcharges.  
  • Urgent: Tell Senators to vote NO on Judge Ozerden (AFA, 7/16/19
  • Oppose the misleading named "Do No Harm Act," which seeks to impinge on religious freedom.
  • "stand against legislation, like Medicare for All and the Equality Act, that force tax-payers to pay for other people’s abortions and that strong arms medical professionals to violate their consciences" (March for Life Action).
  • Oppose the Misnamed Equality Act (Human Life Action)
  • Support the Child Welfare Provider Inclusion Act (USCCB)
  • Born-Alive Legislation Deserves a Vote in the People's House (USCCB
  • Save the Hyde Amendment (March for Life Action)
  • Life at Conception Act Petition (National Pro Life Alliance)
  • I Cherish Life: I call on Congress to ban late term abortions when babies feel pain! (Family Policy Alliance)
  • Tell the Senate to Reject Religion Tests for Judicial Nominees (USCCB)
  • Contact your U.S. senators and representatives today and ask them to support the LIFT for Charities Act! (USCCB)
  • Ask the Department of Homeland Security to Rescind the "Remain in Mexico" Policy and Support Asylum Seekers by Following Existing Law (USCCB

Take Action for Pa

Take Action for NJ

On the right side of the home page, you will find links to email Church leadership about "Catholic" health care, Bucks country representation in DC, Bucks County representation in Harrisburg, Central NJ representation in DC and Central NJ in Trenton.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

A Half Century Since the Summer of Chappaquidick, the Moon, Woodstock, and Manson

The summer of 1969 did not only see Chappaquiddick and the Moon landing....

"Woodstock is located in New York State amid the pastoral idyll of the Catskill mountains. Its setting means it's only a few hours' drive from New York City yet remote enough to provide a retreat from the traffic-splashed streets of the metropolis.....

"[When Bob Dylan moved there in 1966] Woodstock was an antidote to the dark, negative energy of New York [City] where fans relentlessly hounded him at diners and bus stops....Woodstock was the perfect environment – until it wasn’t.

"Inevitably, following Dylan’s move, other artists, burnt out and embracing the back-to-nature ethos of the late 1960s, relocated to Woodstock. But it was the eponymous festival in 1969 that put the town on the map (despite being held some 60 miles away). Ever since, 'Woodstock' has served as a metonym for everything right and everything wrong about the counter-culture.

"Following the festival, fans streamed into town hunting Dylan, Hendrix, Van Morrison and Janis Joplin. Dylan eventually had to retreat to a house further away, but even that wasn’t enough. In his autobiography, Chronicles, he complains of 'people living in trees outside my house, trying to batter down my door'.....The Manson Family’s baroquely depraved murder spree in Los Angeles spooked Dylan badly and he moved back to New York [City]. As he recalls in Chronicles: 'Woodstock had turned into a nightmare, a place of chaos'....

"Time and again, we read sad, awful stories of musicians, barely out of their teens, overwhelmed by fame and seduced by drugs, but finding only death. The dream of returning to Eden is always going to be an unrealised one and yet human beings have never stopped searching for this idyllic (but imagined) past, and the story of Woodstock is no different" (Catholic Herald, Why Woodstock Became a Nightmare, 3/11/16)

Bethany, 3/16/17

"The little village of Bethany, on the eastern slope of the Mount of Olives about 3km from Jerusalem, was a favourite place of rest and refuge for Jesus.  Here he knew the intimacy and friendship of his friends Martha, Mary and Lazarus. And here, in the cemetery just below the village, he raised Lazarus from the dead" (

Below are 3/16/17 photos from Bethany.

Friday, July 19, 2019

And after this, Sarah laughed....

(Bethany: the village of Martha, Mary, and their brother, Lazarus)

....Sarah discounted that we must acknowledge God as King of King, Lord of Lords, and Lord of All - including our fertility!

Take Action Nationally

Take Action for Pa

Take Action for NJ

On the right side of the home page, you will find links to email Church leadership about "Catholic" health care, Bucks country representation in DC, Bucks County representation in Harrisburg, Central NJ representation in DC and Central NJ in Trenton.

home page links

The 10 Commandments

The Beatitudes (from "Jesus of Nazareth")