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and the Central Garden State

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Re: "Catholics United on Brain Death and Organ Donation: A Call to Action calls for an immediate moratorium on the transplantation of vital organs."

Your Excellencies:

While I am pleased to see signatures from the National Catholic Bioethics Center and the Archdiocese on Catholics United on Brain Death and Organ Donation: A Call to Action, a moratorium is long overdue.  

Ten years ago, I recall a radio debate between Dr. Paul Byrne and the then National Catholic Bioethics Center President While Dr Byrne commented that the president was "misleading the world" on so-called "brain death",  the NCBC president seemed to speak as though St Pope John Paul II had unconditionally endorsed brain death criteria (Kresta in the Afternoon, 1/8/14)!

As terrible confusion has been allowed to fester in Catholic circles and among others of goodwill, the Archdiocese has a grave duty to correct this.

Joseph Tevington
Morrisville, Pa

Sunday, February 25, 2024

3rd Sunday of Lent

  • St Peter Damien, February 21 (2/21/24)
  • BREAKING: CatholicVote Calls on NY Officials to Prosecute Trans Activists for Cathedral Invasion (CatholicVote org, 2/21/24)
  • Courage at What Cost?  What is it about our bishops that keeps them so supine? Are there not any around willing to talk back to Rome? (Crisis, 2/20/24)
  • Kidnappings (not only of priests and nuns) in Nigeria are out of control: solidarity of the Dicastery for Evangelization (ZENIT, 2/20/24)
  • Venerable Jerome Lejeune, Continuing Horror in Nigeria, Sacrilege at St Pat's, Insult from Cardinal McElroy, Leadership from Cardinal Mueller, Catholics CANNOT be Freemasons (2/20/24)

CatholicVote Campaigns

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

St Peter Damien, February 21

Your Excellency & Your Eminence:

Just about 100 miles from Philly, the recent sacrileges at St Patrick's are unspeakably appalling and just as bad as the 19th century attacks on the old cathedral.

My first trips to St Patrick's Cathedral were with my Dublin born dad, my Irish American mom, and my sister.  My parents were so proud of that great church having been  constructed with pennies from Irish immigrants.  I fear that the colossal responsibility for the stewardship of that great church building and for the Church itself is not appreciated by a vast array of hierarchy and other clergy.

"What should you call modern clergy and theologians who know what the Church teaches about marriage/family/sexuality but do not proclaim it - either out of reluctant fear or because they don't agree with the teaching? Would it be right to suspect them of cowardice and/or being de facto apostates? In either case, why do they then let the Church provide for their material well being?

"The Catechism of the Catholic Church and its Compendium say that each of us is called to 'chastity, the right ordering of sexuality. Catholic teaching is that sexual relations are exclusively reserved to married couples and that each sexual act must be open to life - contraceptive practices are absolutely excluded. As the complete foregoing of contraceptives is highly correlated with marital success, is it a theological malpractice that info on natural family planning is not better shared?" (

I pray that you will both wake up and start authentically cleaning house.  If you are not up for that, I pray that you show the integrity to resign.

Joseph Tevington
Morrisville, Pa

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Venerable Jerome Lejeune, Continuing Horror in Nigeria, Sacrilege at St Pat's, Insult from Cardinal McElroy, Leadership from Cardinal Mueller, Catholics CANNOT be Freemasons

  • Leading Nigerian prelate rips government economic policies—and Fiducia Supplicans (CWN, 2/19/24)

  • OFFENSIVE ARGUMENT FROM CARDINAL McELROY: Key Pope ally says US blowback on Fiducia is fueled by anti-gay ‘animus’ (Crux, 2/18/24)
    • "the criticism from concerned bishops is not that the declaration explicitly denies Church teaching on marriage and sexuality. Rather, the criticism is that by permitting the blessing of couples who have sex outside of marriage, especially same-sex couples, it denies Catholic teaching in practice, if not in words. The criticism is based on a solid traditional principle: lex orandi, lex credendi—the principle that the way the Church prays reflects what the Church believes....

      "There are, in fact, Catholic practices that cannot be altered without rejecting Catholic doctrine....

      " The question, then, is whether to accept the 'pastoral' and non-liturgical 'blessings' proposed by Fiducia Supplicans for couples in irregular situations is to deny Catholic doctrine—not in explicit affirmation, but in practice....

      " Fiducia Supplicans argues that these new 'pastoral blessings' for couples in irregular situations are not liturgical. Now, this distinction between blessings is a novelty that Fiducia Supplicans introduces, which has not the slightest basis in Scripture, the Holy Fathers, or the Magisterium. Fiducia Supplicans claims that 'pastoral blessings' are not liturgical....The Second Vatican Council emphasizes the inseparable link between all the priest’s actions and the liturgy (see Presbyterorum ordinis).

      " Moreover, every blessing, whatever its solemnity, implies the approval of what is being blessed. This is what the constant tradition of the Church, based on Sacred Scripture, has taught....

      " a blessing cannot be invoked over relationships or situations that contradict or reject the order of creation, such as unions based on homosexual practice, which St. Paul considers a consequence of denying the Creator’s plan (Rom. 1:21–27). This need to be in harmony with the order of creation applies to every kind of blessing, regardless of its solemnity.

      " We should note that the DDF implicitly recognizes that these blessings (including pastoral blessings) approve what is being blessed. That is why the press release takes pains to distinguish between the blessing of the couple and the blessing of the union. If it were true that these pastoral blessings do not legitimize anything, there would be no problem in pastorally blessing the union. The DDF’s effort to clarify that the union is not blessed betrays that the DDF considers the 'pastoral blessing' an approval, and therefore insists that it is the couple and not the union that is blessed....

      " Fiducia Supplicans is doctrinally problematic, no matter how much it affirms Catholic doctrine in words....

      " But the DDF has also used two other distinctions to avoid admitting that Fiducia Supplicans implies approval of homosexual unions. The first distinction is between the blessing of the union and the blessing of the couple. Is this distinction possible? Indeed, if one blesses the couple qua couple, that is, as united by a sexual relationship other than marriage, then one is approving that union, since it is the union that constitutes them as such a couple. It would be a different matter if the couple were blessed not as a same-sex couple, but, for example, as a couple of pilgrims approaching a shrine. But this is not what Fiducia Supplicans means, and that is why it speaks of blessing couples in an irregular situation, including same-sex couples.

      " Let us now examine a second distinction: Could it be said that what is blessed is not the couple as united by the sexual relationship, but the couple as united by other aspects of their life, for example, by the help they give one another during an illness? This distinction does not change the fact that the couple is blessed as a couple that is united by sexual relations outside of marriage. For what continues to constitute the couple as such is the sexual relationship that unites them. The other aspects of their life as a couple are not what constitutes them as a couple, nor do all these aspects succeed in making good the sexual lifestyle that makes them a couple, as the 2021 Responsum of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith already affirmed.

      " When Cardinal Víctor Manuel Fernández, prefect of the DDF, discussed how to give these blessings, he implied that it is not a matter of blessing the couple. For example, he suggested that the sign of the cross should be made on each person, not on the couple. However, the cardinal did not want to clarify that the couple cannot be blessed, and continued to accept signs—such as the common prayer over the two persons—that give legitimacy in the eyes of the Church to the existence of the couple as a good for the persons united. The cardinal has also refused to condemn certain blessings, such as the one that Fr. James Martin gave publicly, which are clearly addressed to the couple....

      " to bless two people together who are together precisely because of the homosexual relationship that unites them is no different than to bless the union....

      " The affirmation that homosexual acts are contrary to the law of God is a revealed truth; to deny it would violate the first paragraph of the Profession of Faith and would be heretical. This denial is not found in Fiducia Supplicans. It would also be heretical to accept a nuptial blessing for same-sex couples. This is likewise not found in Fiducia Supplicans. Thus, Fiducia Supplicans does not seem to violate the first paragraph. Then how do we classify its affirmation that sexual unions outside of marriage can be blessed with a non-nuptial blessing? Even if one were to argue that this affirmation is not explicitly rejected in revelation, this affirmation violates, at least, the second paragraph of the Profession of Faith, for, as we have seen, to bless these persons as same-sex couples is to approve their unions, even if they are not equated with marriage. This is therefore a doctrine contrary to the teaching of the Catholic Church, since its acceptance, even if not directly heretical, logically leads to heresy....

      " Fiducia Supplicans must be considered doctrinally problematic, for it contains a denial of Catholic doctrine. For this reason, it is also problematic from a pastoral point of view....  To bless them together...the is to confirm them in their sin and thus alienate them from God....

      " Scripture, distinguishes between venial sins (which do not necessarily require sacramental absolution to be forgiven) and mortal sins (which do). It also distinguishes those sins that are public from those that are not, as well as sinners who stubbornly persists in their sins from sinners who are open to repentance. These distinctions are important, not for judging people, but for offering them healing. Similarly, a good doctor needs to offer different diagnoses for different cases, for not every illness can be treated in the same way.

      " In conclusion, as long as the DDF does not correct Fiducia Supplicans by clarifying that blessings cannot be given to the couple, but only to each person individually, the DDF is approving statements that are contrary to at least the second paragraph of the Profession of Faith—that is, it is approving statements that are contrary to the teaching of the Catholic Church, which, without being heretical in themselves, lead to heresy. This means that these pastoral blessings for irregular unions cannot be accepted by the Catholic faithful, and especially by those who, in assuming an ecclesiastical office, have taken the Profession of Faith and the Oath of Fidelity, which calls first of all for the preservation of the deposit of faith in its entirety.

      " This refusal to accept Fiducia Supplicans, which can be expressed publicly insofar as it concerns the common good of the Church, does not imply any lack of respect for the Holy Father, who signed the text of Fiducia Supplicans; on the contrary. For service to the Holy Father is due to him precisely insofar as he is the guarantor of the continuity of Catholic doctrine, and this service is honored primarily by exposing the grave defects of Fiducia Supplicans.

      " In short, the exercise of the Magisterium cannot be limited to giving dogmatically correct information about the 'truth of the Gospel' (Gal. 2:14). Paul openly and unhesitatingly opposed the ambiguous exercise of the primacy by Peter, his brother in the apostolate, because the latter, by his erroneous conduct, endangered the true faith and the salvation of the faithful, not precisely with regard to the dogmatic profession of the Christian faith, but with regard to the practice of Christian life. (Gerhard Cardinal Müller, 2/16/24)
  • REMINDER - CATHOLICS CANNOT BE FREEMASONSArchbishop of Milan to Take Part in ‘Historic’ Closed-Door Seminar With Italy’s Freemasons (National Catholic Register, 2/15/24)

Sunday, February 18, 2024

2nd Sunday of Lent

Lent in the Holy Land 

Stations of the Cross

2nd Sunday of Lent
(Unless otherwise indicated, the above photos were taken at Mt. Tabor in Israel on 3/9/17.)
  • OFFENSIVE ARGUMENT FROM CARDINAL McELROY: Key Pope ally says US blowback on Fiducia is fueled by anti-gay ‘animus’ (Crux, 2/18/24)
    • Sens. Vance, Lee, Johnson Join Elon and Vivek to Slam 'Endless Funding' for Ukraine (Breitbart, 2/12/24)
    • "For Niccolò Machiavelli, Pope Julius II was the model Renaissance prince. He was highly intelligent. He was skilled at diplomacy, politics, and war. And he was a visionary patron of the arts. Julius was also, according to those who served him, intensely vindictive. He was moody, humorless, and coarse, with a violent temper. He had a gift for making enemies and alienating the less worldly and more committed Christian faithful. And the result was predictable....

      "Whatever their flaws, Paul VI, John Paul II, and Benedict XVI used their authority in a centripetal way. They each sought to pull a centrifugal Church back together after Vatican II. The Francis papacy has a different spirit. There’s a unique kind of irony in a notion like 'synodality' which risks further fragmenting a Church already under great external pressures, being championed by the most authoritarian pope in decades....

      "What we need now is for the papacy to return to its primary task of strengthening and uniting the faithful. This requires stability, clarity, and the embrace of spiritual fatherhood....The Pope and his close collaborators should reflect heroic virtue and holiness, and history tells of the harm done to the Church when they do not" (Archbishop Charles Chaput, 12/19/2023)

      CatholicVote Campaigns

      Sunday, February 11, 2024

      "When I bring clouds over the earth, and the bow appears in the clouds, I will recall the covenant I have made between Me and you and all living beings, so that the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy all mortal beings" (1st Sunday of Lent, 2/18).

      "After the final cosmic upheaval of this passing world the glorious coming of Christ will take place. Then will come the definitive triumph of God in the parousia and the Last Judgment. Thus the Kingdom of God will be realized" (Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, # 134)

      • "the Catholic Church’s celebration of World Marriage Day should direct our attention...yet recent events have left many Catholics concerned about whether the significance of marriage is being sidelined within the Church itself.... Over the past 50 years..., the annual number of Catholic marriages in the U.S. has decreased by nearly 70%, even as the Catholic population has increased by almost 20 million"   (Prioritize Marriage, Not Same-Sex Blessings, National Catholic Register, 2/8/24)

      • Two religious kidnapped in Plateau State: in Nigeria questions are being asked about the complicity in the banking sector for the payment of ransoms (Agenzia Fides, 2/5/24)

      Sunday, February 4, 2024

      "I turn to You, Lord, in time of trouble, and You fill me with the joy of salvation" (2/11, 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time).

      2/14, Ash Wednesday

      World Marriage Day (2/14)
      National Marriage Week (2/7 - 14)
      • Pastor Found Guilty of Breaking Law By Holding Sign With Bible Verse Outside Abortion Biz (, 2/2/24)
      "Some Western politicians and media outlets posit that the crisis in Nigeria has been brought on by climate change, which they say is forcing nomadic Fulani herdsmen to fight with Christian farmers over scarce land. Bishop Anagbe, however, condemned this narrative as 'lies and propaganda.' He said that the Fulani terrorists are motivated by hatred of Christianity first and foremost."

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      The 10 Commandments

      The Beatitudes (from "Jesus of Nazareth")