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Thursday, July 4, 2019

Contraception makes you smell funny (i.e., incorrectly)

The Unbinding of Marriage, Childbearing, and Raising Children: A "Snapshot of Marriage And Family Statistics," "Fragile Families " and Costs to Society

(You can click any of the following images to enlarge.... 

To their apparent detriment, comparatively few children are now raised in the intact homes of their married, biological parents.  Just owing to negatives associated with alternative arrangements, all of us have an interest in promoting and maintaining the marriage of biological parents.  Society should absolutely NOT be promoting the heinous aborting of its next generation or promoting contraceptives which are correlated with relationship dissolution.  

Divorce and Contraceptives "go together like a horse and carriage"?

Knowing that the intact homes of their married, biological parents are the most fertile grounds for a child, how can that be promoted? What do we know of comparative divorce rates?  What is correlated with marital stability?

While Catholics score best (i.e., lowest)  in the above comparison, we do not have stats of which to be proud - we are at just a shade under 40% who report having ever been divorced.  The Catechism reminds us that each and every divorce is a tragedy:
At a slightly earlier spot, the Catechism also provided this reminder:
Along with an increased divorce rate, the second half of the twentieth century saw the elimination of laws against contraceptives and the rise of their ready availability.  At least anecdotally, it has been noted that few Catholics follow Church-proclaimed truth forbidding contraceptives but those few experience a lower divorce rate.  Following God's plan results in deeper communication and intimacy that enhances the marital bond.

Is science also offering clues as to why the experience of faithful Catholics contrasts with the experience of users of contraceptives?

The Nose Knows 

Let's just take a look at hormonal contraceptives.  Though it often does not get treated with seriousness (e.g., Humans select mates with similar BODY ODOUR - except for women who take hormonal contraceptives, 7/2/19), it has long been noted that hormonal contraceptives impact smell and a woman's choice of partners.
We can return to the Catechism for the bottom line on this....

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