in Pennsylvania's First Congressional District's_1st_congressional_district
and the Central Garden State

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Xenotransplants; Transplantation and personal identity; Abuses in transplantation

"118...the transplantation of organs and tissues derived from animals.  'For a xenotransplant to be licit, the transplanted organ must not impair the integrity of the psychological or genetic identity of the person receiving it; and there must also be a proven biological possibility that the transplant will be successful and will not expose the recipient to inordinate risk.' 238.... 'Uunnecessary animal suffering must be prevented; criteria of real necessity and reasonableness must be respected; genetic modifications that could significantly alter the biodiversity and the balance of the species in the animal world must be avoided' 239...."

Transplantation and personal identity
"119....the brain and the gonads are ruled out as potential transplants...."

Abuses in transplantation
"120. The sale of organs and the adoption of discriminatory or utilitarian criteria...contradict the underlying meaning of the donor's gift.  As such, they are morally illicit.  Abuses in transplantation and trafficking...'must find the medical community ready to unite in rejecting such unacceptable practices.  Therefore they are to be decisively condemned as abominable.' 240"

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