At 10 PM this evening on Turner Classic Movies is Alfred Hitchcock's "I Confess." As per Steven D. Greydanus,
- "the whole dilemma turns on the protagonist’s principles, apart from which he could clear his name and finger the real culprit any time he wishes. That’s because Michael William Logan (Montgomery Clift) is a Catholic priest, and the identity of the culprit (O. E. Hasse) is known to him from the confessional, which means that the murderer’s identity is protected by the sacramental seal forbidding priests under any circumstances whatsoever, even at the cost of their lives, from revealing the contents of a confession....At a time when a shadow of suspicion has fallen on many innocent priests, this film’s themes, and its humanizing depiction of a clergyman who is both virtuous and also more complicated than a mere stereotype of piety, are especially resonant" [emphasis added].