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Monday, October 30, 2023

11/5: "Whoever exalts himself will be humbled; but whoever humbles himself will be exalted."

    "do and observe all things whatsoever they tell you, but do not follow their example.  For they preach but they do not practice" (11/5/23 sign/voice).

    • Monk Shot, Body “thrown into a river” following Kidnapping at a Nigerian Monastery (aciafrica, 10/24/23)
      • Expert says Nigeria has more Christian martyrs than anywhere else on earth (Crux, 9/1/2023)

      Tuesday, October 24, 2023

      Worldwide Day of Fasting & Prayer for Peace (10/27/23)

      • Nigeria & others need to be added to our prayers....
        • Monk Shot, Body “thrown into a river” following Kidnapping at a Nigerian Monastery (aciafrica, 10/24/23)
        • Expert says Nigeria has more Christian martyrs than anywhere else on earth (Crux, 9/1/2023)0

      Monday, October 23, 2023

      New Book: The Brain Death Fallacy (The Healthcare Advocacy & Leadership Organization, 10/23/23)

      Sunday, October 22, 2023

      10/29: "The whole law and the prophets depend on these two commandments."

      "You shall love the Lord, your God,
      with all your heart,
      with all your soul,
      and with all your mind.
      This is the greatest and the first commandment.
      The second is like it:
      You shall love your neighbor as yourself.
      The whole law and the prophets depend on these two commandments"

      “In the present cultural context, there is a particularly urgent need to defend marriage and the family, which can be adequately met only if one is convinced of the unique and singular value of these two realities for an authentic development of human society” 

      We MUST Promote Recognition of the Sanctity of Life & the Sanctity of Marriage/Family/Human Sexuality (10/15/23 edition)

      Scientific documentation abortion [including so called "contraceptives" that are abortifacient] kills living human beings/persons (Diane Irving, PhD, 6/26/22)

      Letters to Pharmaceutical Companies ["to protest the use of abortion-derived cell lines and advocate for the development of vaccines with no connection to abortion."]  (USCCB)

      Friday, October 20, 2023

      Eucharistic Procession (Trenton, 7/20/23)




      Monday, October 16, 2023

      Sunday, October 15, 2023

      "I am the LORD & there is no other, there is no God besides Me" (10/22/23).

      10/22: 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time (sign/voice: 1, 2)

       “In the present cultural context, there is a particularly urgent need to defend marriage and the family, which can be adequately met only if one is convinced of the unique and singular value of these two realities for an authentic development of human society” 

      We MUST Promote Recognition of the Sanctity of Life & the Sanctity of Marriage/Family/Human Sexuality (10/15/23 edition)

      Scientific documentation abortion [including so called "contraceptives" that are abortifacient] kills living human beings/persons (Diane Irving, PhD, 6/26/22)

      Letters to Pharmaceutical Companies ["to protest the use of abortion-derived cell lines and advocate for the development of vaccines with no connection to abortion."]  (USCCB)

      Sunday, October 8, 2023

      10/15: "Many are invited, but few are chosen."

        • Violent Online Groups Extort Minors to Self-Harm and Produce Child Sexual Abuse Material (FBI, 9/12/23)
        • A Fifth of American Adults Struggle to Read. Why Are We Failing to Teach Them? (ProPublica, 12/14/22)
        “In the present cultural context, there is a particularly urgent need to defend marriage and the family, which can be adequately met only if one is convinced of the unique and singular value of these two realities for an authentic development of human society” (St. Pope John Paul II, 1981).

        We MUST Promote Recognition of the Sanctity of Life and the Sanctity of Marriage/ Family/ Human Sexuality (Guardian Angels edition - UPDATED)

        Scientific documentation abortion [including so called "contraceptives" that are abortifacient] kills living human beings/persons (Diane Irving, PhD, 6/26/22)

        Letters to Pharmaceutical Companies ["to protest the use of abortion-derived cell lines and advocate for the development of vaccines with no connection to abortion."]  (USCCB)

        Saturday, October 7, 2023

        The Battle of Lepanto

        As per the Lepanto Institute, "In 1571, at the famous Battle of Lepanto, recourse to the Rosary saved the Church against a powerful force. Soldiers and sailors still had to rely upon their wits, strength and blood in the fight, but it was Our Lady of the Rosary who ultimately brought the victory."  

        "In a.d. 622, Mohammed set out from Medina to conquer the whole Christian world for Allah by force of arms. Within a hundred years, his successors had occupied and pillaged every Christian capital of the Middle East, from Antioch through North Africa (home of Saint Augustine) and Spain.  All that remained outside Allah's reign was the northern arc from Southern France to Constantinople.... A long line of great warrior sultans sponsored Turkish advances in shipbuilding, gunnery, military organization, and training. By the mid 1550s they had slowly conceived of a long-term offensive, a pincers movement first by sea and then by land, to conquer the whole northern shore of the Mediterranean. Their ultimate aim was to take all Italy; then all Europe. First, in 1565, they launched a massive sea attack on the crossroads of the Mediterranean, the strategically placed island of Malta. They were repelled after an epic siege (which in itself is one of history's great stories). A later northern pincers movement by land was aimed at an attack up through the Balkans, for the conquest of Budapest, and then in a northeast arc into Slovakia and Poland. In this way, the Muslim forces would essentially encircle Italy from the north. The capture of Vienna — and thus the cutting off of Italy, for easy conquest — was the prize most sought.  Because by 1540 the Reformation had begun separating the Christian nations of the north from Rome, the sultans soon recognized that the Christian world would no longer fight as one. The next hundred years or so would be the most fruitful time since 632 to fulfill the destiny of Islam in Europe....

        "The Knights of Malta, the premier sea warriors of the time, offered their small but highly skilled fleet in support of the pope's appeal ….an enormous Muslim fleet, nearly 100 ships larger than their own, was sailing near to land toward the Gulf of Lepanto.... 

        In four hours the battle was over....As news of the great victory of October 7 reached shore, church bells rang all over the cities and countryside of Europe. For months, Pius V had urged Catholics to say the daily rosary on behalf of the morale and good fortune of the Christian forces and, above all, for a successful outcome to the highly risky preemptive strike against the Turkish fleets. Thereafter, he declared that October 7 would be celebrated as the Feast of 'Mary, Queen of Victory.' A later Pope added the title 'Queen of the Most Holy Rosary' in honor of the laity's favorite form of prayer....

        "King Sobieski of Poland had drawn the privilege of advancing on the right flank, through the heart of the Vienna Wood....Late on September 11, just as his men were making their initial contact with the Turkish outposts, and the final battle began to be joined, the king formed a resolution to attack on the morrow as swiftly and with as much surprise as possible....once again, this time by land, the Muslims had attempted to fulfill the Prophet's command to spread Islam to all corners of the world decisively, with force....After September 11-12, 1683, that power kept receding, on into modern times.  Still, it should surprise no one that the date chosen to bring the new resurgence of modern Muslim ambition to the whole world's attention was also September 11, 318 years after 1683" (National Review Online, 10/7/14).

        October 7 "is the memorial of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, a feast instituted by Pope Saint Pius V in commemoration of the great victory... when the Christian fleet led by Don Juan of Austria crushed the invading, and seemingly invincible, navy of the Ottoman Turks" (Catholic Insight, 10/7/22).

        Sunday, October 1, 2023

        10/8: "Why, when I looked for the crop of grapes, did it bring forth wild grapes?"

        "Why, when I looked for the crop of grapes, did it bring forth wild grapes?" (27th Sunday in Ordinary Time, sign/voice)
          • St. Pope John Paul II's "Theology of the Body" on marriage/family/human sexuality (Catholic365, 9/26/23)
            • To Patrick: It is NOT ok to use pronouns in a deceitful manner (The Patrick Madrid Show, 9/22/23, hour 3 (go to 6:31))
              • A Catechesis on the Human Person and Gender Ideology (Bishop Burbridge, 8/17/21)
                "To use names and pronouns that contradict the person's God-given identity is to speak falsely. The faithful should avoid using 'gender-affirming' terms or pronouns that convey approval of or reinforce the person's rejection of the truth. It is not harsh or judgmental to decline to use such language. In the broader culture, Catholics may experience significant pressure to adopt culturally-approved terminology. However, in no circumstances should anyone be compelled to use language contrary to the truth. The right to speak the truth inheres in the human person and cannot be taken away by any human institution. Attempts by the state, corporations, or employers to compel such language, particularly by threats of legal action or job loss, are unjust. We must love in the truth, and truth must be accurately conveyed by our words. At the same time, clarity must always be at the service of charity, as part of a broader desire to move people towards the fullness of the truth"
            • The Ideology of Gender Harms Children (Catholic Medical Association, 9/8/23)
          • As per children of God for Life (9/21/23): "Two RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) vaccines have been approved in 2023 – Arexvy (GSK) and Abrysvo (Pfizer). Arexvy is recommended for adults over 60 years of age and Abrysvo has also been recommended for administration to expectant mothers between 32 and 36 weeks of gestation. We have received inquiries on both and a summary of their development, pre-clinical testing and manufacture follow....Both of the approved vaccines are ethically compromised."

          “In the present cultural context, there is a particularly urgent need to defend marriage and the family, which can be adequately met only if one is convinced of the unique and singular value of these two realities for an authentic development of human society” (St. Pope John Paul II, 1981).

          We MUST Promote Recognition of the Sanctity of Life and the Sanctity of Marriage/ Family/ Human Sexuality (9/1/23 edition)

          Scientific documentation abortion [including so called "contraceptives" that are abortifacient] kills living human beings/persons (Diane Irving, PhD, 6/26/22)

          Letters to Pharmaceutical Companies ["to protest the use of abortion-derived cell lines and advocate for the development of vaccines with no connection to abortion."]  (USCCB)

          home page links

          The 10 Commandments

          The Beatitudes (from "Jesus of Nazareth")