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Thursday, May 12, 2016

"Same-sex marriage is uniting Evangelicals and Catholic: A major Evangelical figure in the US says that Catholics were right about The Pill" (Mercator.Net, 5/9/16)

"Albert Mohler...[is] president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, and one of the nation's most prominent Evangelical thinkers. In We Cannot Be Silent: Speaking truth to a culture redefining sex, marriage, & the very meaning of right & wrong, he tackles the challenge of same-sex marriage....

"Dr Mohler makes two surprising proposals for his evangelical readers. First, that evangelicals need to use arguments based on natural law. And second, that Catholics got it right on contraception and that the evangelicals got it wrong....

"What seems to have persuaded him of necessity of natural law thinking in the public square are the cogent arguments marshalled by Sherif Girgis, Ryan T. Anderson, and Robert P. George in their book, What Is Marriage? Man and Woman: A Defense. Their approach was persuasive and secular and was located squarely within the natural law tradition....

'Dr Mohler's second unexpected proposal is that the tinder for the sexual revolution was widespread acceptance of contraception by evangelicals and Protestants. They were blindsided by the moral challenge:

"'The energies of evangelical Christians had been devoted to so many other moral issues that birth control largely escaped focused attention. This set the stage for conservative Christians to be essentially co-opted by the contraceptive revolution when it took place, driven by the development and availability of "the Pill" in the early 1960s. It is shocking now to look back and see how little conversation took place among evangelicals at that time'....

"'So long as sex was predictably related to the potential of pregnancy, a huge biological check on sex outside of marriage functioned as a barrier to sexual immorality. Once that barrier was removed, sex and children became effectively separated and sex became redefined as an activity that did not have any necessary relation to the gift of children. It is impossible to exaggerate the importance of the separation of sex and babies from the moral equation'....

"the answer is not capitulation to the new culture, but the grace of God. Like Pope Francis, he prays for both mercy and justice. 'We must remind ourselves again and again of the compassion of truth and the truth of compassion.'"

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