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Sunday, September 24, 2017

The Charter for Health Care Workers and Conscience Protection

In his magnificent Evangelium Vitae, Saint Pope John Paul II reminded us that health care workers are called "to be guardians and servants of human life."  Shortly thereafter, the Vatican provided its beautiful Charter for Health Care Workers, making clear that
    this noble calling applies to "doctors, nurses, hospital chaplains, men and women religious, administrators, voluntary care givers for those who suffer, those involved in the diagnosis, treatment and recovery of human health....

    "To serve life is to serve God in the person: it is to become 'a collaborator with God in restoring health to the sick body'[16] and to give praise and glory to God in the loving welcome to life, especially if it be weak and ill.[17]....

    therapeutic ministry of health care workers is a sharing in the pastoral[21] and evangelizing[22] work of the Church....

    "In fidelity to the moral law, the health care worker actuates his fidelity to the human person whose worth is guaranteed by the law, and to God, Whose wisdom is expressed by the law....
    "The present charter wants to guarantee the ethical fidelity of the health care worker: the choices and behavior enfleshing service to life."
Shouldn't we be vigilantly requiring the authenticity of our witness to life in ourselves, our communities, our parishes, and our institutions?  We must "Urge Congress to Enact the Conscience Protection Act of 2017!"

While the Charter's 2017 updating does not yet seem to be available in English, Vatican Radio (2/6/17) has reported that "The new references of the Magisterium, after 1994, that appear in the Charter are:
In addition to vigilantly requiring "ethical fidelity" in ourselves, our communities, our parishes, and our institutions, we should forthrightly demand that our right to live and work with "ethical fidelity" be respected in "the choices and behavior enfleshing service to life"....

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