in Pennsylvania's First Congressional District's_1st_congressional_district
and the Central Garden State

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

" in reality the wise and provident institution of God the Creator, whose purpose was to effect in man His loving design.....husband and wife, through that mutual gift of themselves, which is specific and exclusive to them alone, develop that union of two persons in which they perfect one another, cooperating with God in the generation and rearing of new lives" (St Pope Paul VI, 1968)

Speak Up and Tell HUD to Protect Access to Housing Assistance! (USCCB) - LAST DAY TO COMMENT!

Natural Family Planning Awareness Week
(USCCB, 7/21-7/27, 2019)

"The dates of Natural Family Planning Awareness Week highlight the anniversary of the papal encyclical Humanae Vitae (July 25) which articulates Catholic beliefs about human sexuality, conjugal love and responsible parenthood. The dates also mark the feast of Saints Joachim and Anne (July 26), the parents of the Blessed Mother."
 Creighton Model FertilityCare System
Couple to Couple League
Billings Ovulation Method
 Family of the Americas 
  • Contraception makes you smell funny (i.e., incorrectly) (7/4/19) 
  • Why Are We Not Outraged? (7/8/19)
  • While there (shamefully) appears to be minimal correspondence between NFP only physicians/medical professionals and those providing "women's health care" in our Catholic hospitals,  the below ad is now being seen in the NYC subway! 
    If NOT used with contraceptives, it appears this fertility awareness tool could be used morally by wives and husbands (

15th Sunday in Ordinary Time (7/14/19)

  • "1. Courage is contagious.
    While some hesitate to engage for fear of being called a 'hater' or 'bigot,' we must push back on those who want to reshape our children’s understanding of biology, personhood, privacy, and the primary role of parents....
    2. Put together a diverse coalition....
    3. The gatekeepers have failed parents....
     entrusted with the job of vetting the research and best practices for treating kids with gender dysphoria have folded under financial or peer influence. Pressure needs to be brought on these professional groups to retract and/or modify their positions, as local educators and elected officials are deferring to these groups’ statements of support. However, local doctors and mental health professionals have a powerful voice when speaking about the dangers of affirming transgender children. Get them involved.
    4. Spread the truth about gender-affirming therapy....
    Educating people is essential, and information about the dangers of affirming gender dysphoria is being suppressed.... Much more research is needed, but ask school administrators if the scientific studies they use to justify new policies are peer reviewed, have a large sample size, and have tracked children for many years. In some cases, the studies themselves have been underwritten by gender clinics or transgender advocates.
    5. There are no opt outs for our kids....
    Public school children are being indoctrinated in transgender ideology by posters on the wall, speakers in the library, books on the shelves, after-school clubs, school-wide celebrations, and politicized teachers. Vigilance and consistent engagement with principals and classroom teachers are critical" (Daily Signal, 7/8/19).
  • Vatican and French Church decry decision to remove hydration from Vincent Lambert (Crux, 7/5/19
  • Faithful Catholics: don't accept confusion about sexual morality (Phil Lawler, 7/3/19)
      "Do you want to know why I am a culture warrior? The Left will tell you that I’m consumed by fear. In a way that is true. I am afraid that if I remain silent, I shall have no defense when I am asked, 'What did you do during the culture wars, Grandpa?'

      "Don’t ask whether or not there is a war going on: a war for the soul of our society, a war for the integrity of our Church. There is. The right question to ask—first of yourself, then of your pastor and your bishop and your Catholic friends—is: Which side are you on?"
  • LGBT study shows an 'erosion' of support by millennials (AFA, 7/2/19)
  • HHS delays new conscience rights protections (CNA, 7/1/19

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