in Pennsylvania's First Congressional District's_1st_congressional_district
and the Central Garden State

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

"Observe what is right; do what is just" (8/16/2020)

  • "MORE THAN TRIPLED.  That’s how quickly the death toll has escalated for Christians in Nigeria.  Earlier this year, roughly 350 Nigerian Christians were killed at the hands of Islamic radicals. By June, the total was over 1,200 murdered for their faith.... And that doesn’t even address the number of Nigerian Christians abducted and enslaved every year. The world should be outraged.... Violence against Christians is spreading beyond Nigeria’s borders ....Sign Our Petition: Defend Dying Christians in Nigeria  (American Center for Law and Justice, 8/7/2020 email)
  • "The word 'vocation' has been diluted. Before the sixteenth century, 'vocation' had an exclusively sacramental sense. But, as Max Weber points out in The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, the Lutheran and Calvinist dissolution of monastic and priestly orders gave rise to its modern sense of 'occupation' or 'profession'....Today the Church is facing a vocational crisis of historic proportions. There is both a critical lack of priests and religious and a depressingly high number of unmarried Catholics. In the face of this trial, the response should be to find the root cause and face it with prayer and pastoral ministry.  Instead, Catholics have moved the vocational goalposts. Now we have a third vocation—the 'single life.' You can feel this call for as long or as briefly as you like; it’s a convenient theological innovation that fits modern lifestyles perfectly.... Catholic vocations include permanent vows and the witness of the Church. The calling of God is answered, publicly and irrevocably, with a commitment that accords with its solemnity....The Church should pray for its single members. The Church should encourage and love its single members. But the Church must stop touting a new, normative vocation called single life" (Mary Cuff, PhD, 8/7/2020)
  • Two Lower Bucks Catholic h.s. alumni vie for the same seat in Congress.... (7/7/2020)
    • The Pre-eminent Moral Mandate: The Right to Life (Bishop Strickland, 5/7/2020)
    • "marriage between one man and one woman, intended for life, and the family founded upon it, has been inscribed by the Divine Architect into the order of the universe.... children have a right to a mother and a father.... To live a faithful marriage is now countercultural .... The notion that we can choose our sexual identification as male or female is but one more manifestation of the rebellion that started in the garden with Adam and Eve when they turned away from God’s loving plan.... We are living in a new missionary age.... We should Vote for Candidates who Respect and Protect Marriage and the Family" (Bishop Strickland, 6/5/2020
    Demand a COVID-19 Vaccine Free from Abortion (USCCBHuman Life Action
    HHS Secretary Alex M. Azar II can be reached at or 

      Petition on Hormonal Contraceptives: Effects of Hormonal Birth Control
      (Human Life International, 4/21/20)

      "Send your email thanking President Donald Trump for restoring the due process of law for all students, specifically those who are falsely accused" (AFA).

      (Pa Catholic Conference Legislative Review and Voter Voice)

      "308,000,000 estimated deaths [in the U.S.] since Roe V Wade and Doe v Bolton" (


      Links below are to photos of the modern locations of these events, primarily from a March 2017 pilgrimage to the Holy Land....

      Joyful Mysteries

      1. The Annunciation
      2. The Visitation
      3. The Nativity of Our Lord
      4. The Presentation
      5. The Finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple

      Luminous Mysteries

      1. The Baptism of the Lord
      2. The Wedding at Cana
      3. The Proclamation of the Kingdom
      4. The Transfiguration
      5. The Institution of the Eucharist

      Sorrowful Mysteries

      1. The Agony in the Garden
      2. The Scourging at the Pillar
      3. The Crowning with Thorns
      4. The Carrying of the Cross
      5. The Crucifixion and Death of Our Lord

      Glorious Mysteries

      1. The Resurrection
      2. The Ascension
      3. The Descent of the Holy Spirit
      4. The Assumption
      5. The Crowning of Mary as Queen of Heaven

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