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Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Rejecting Fitzpatrick's Unapologetic Embrace of The Equality Act; Paganism & LGBTQ's Unholy Alliance; Paganism Close to Home

  • "Thank you for reaching out. I am completely against the Equality Act. It was this very Act that pushed me to run against Fitzpatrick. If you are interested in more details about why I'm against the Equality Act, you can check it out on my public Facebook page, 'Bradley Lanning for U.S. congress."" (11/30/21 email).

    • "The issue of homosexuality and the moral evaluation of homosexual acts have increasingly become a matter of public debate, even in Catholic circles. Since this debate often advances arguments and makes assertions inconsistent with the teaching of the Catholic Church, it is quite rightly a cause for concern to all engaged in the pastoral ministry, and this Congregation has judged it to be of sufficiently grave and widespread importance to address to the Bishops of the Catholic Church this Letter on the Pastoral Care of Homosexual Persons....
      [Since 1975] an overly benign interpretation was given to the homosexual condition itself, some going so far as to call it neutral, or even good. Although the particular inclination of the homosexual person is not a sin, it is a more or less strong tendency ordered toward an intrinsic moral evil; and thus the inclination itself must be seen as an objective disorder....
      [There is] a clear consistency within the Scriptures themselves on the moral issue of homosexual behaviour....
      Providing a basic plan for understanding this entire discussion of homosexuality is the theology of creation we find in Genesis. God, in his infinite wisdom and love, brings into existence all of reality as a reflection of his goodness. He fashions mankind, male and female, in His own image and likeness. Human beings, therefore, are nothing less than the work of God Himself; and in the complementarity of the sexes, they are called to reflect the inner unity of the Creator. They do this in a striking way in their cooperation with him in the transmission of life by a mutual donation of the self to the other....
      The Church, obedient to the Lord who founded her and gave to her the sacramental life, celebrates the divine plan of the loving and live-giving union of men and women in the sacrament of marriage. It is only in the marital relationship that the use of the sexual faculty can be morally good. A person engaging in homosexual behaviour therefore acts immorally....
      Only what is true can ultimately be pastoral. The neglect of the Church's position prevents homosexual men and women from receiving the care they need and deserve....
      All support should be withdrawn from any organizations which seek to undermine the teaching of the Church, which are ambiguous about it, or which neglect it entirely. Such support, or even the semblance of such support, can be gravely misinterpreted....
      In assessing proposed legislation, the Bishops should keep as their uppermost concern the responsibility to defend and promote family life" (Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, 10/1/86).
        • "According to religious statistics, old Europe is still a part of the earth that is almost completely Christian. But there is hardly another case in which everyone knows as well as they do here that the statistic is false: This so-called Christian Europe for almost four hundred years has become the birthplace of a new paganism....sooner or later, with or contrary to the will of the Church, according to the inner structural change, she will become externally a little flock" (Rev. Joseph Ratzinger, 1958)
          • Deadly Bad! (Amazon Review of "Devoted to Death: Santa Muerte, the Skeleton Saint" [sic], 3/23/12)
          • Voodoo won't save Haiti, says cardinal (The Guardian, 7/13/14)
          • " a mix of Catholic and polytheistic African belief systems, but they practice stuff like magic, luck, consulting spirits, and other things that the mainstream Catholic Church does not. These are called sins of superstition....the Catholic Church in this country should be more aware of the existence and growth of these occult establishments.... Shout it from the rooftops: “Santeria is demonic and Catholicism is the one true religion” (Jesse Romero, 7/11/17).
            • "When Cuban actor Desi Arnaz sang 'Babalu!' on the old 'I Love Lucy' show...he likely had no idea he was summoning Babalu-Aye, a Santeria deity....'The problem is Santeria deceives people,' says Misael Mayorta, director of Hispanic Affairs for the Catholic Diocese of Salt Lake. 'The church takes a negative position toward Santeria. Santeria uses the saints and other aspects of the church to make people more ignorant. It's related to witchcraft. The message of Christ was ''good news,'' but the message of Santeria, we feel, is a message of fear."(Deseret News, 6/5/99)
          • Ireland and the Pagan Resurgence (Catholic World Report, 6/1/2018)
            • "Displays of leprechauns (i.e., symbols from pre-Christian Ireland) and excessive drinking dishonor Saint Patrick, as well as our forebears. A better way to honor both would be a recommitment to the great heritage which Patrick bestowed to us – an untiring devotion to God and recognition of the sanctity of human life" (Bucks County Courier Times, 12/9/06).
          • "It should concern all Catholics when the vicar of Christ himself references in an uncritical way the Kabbalah and refers the faithful back to those native religions that have not yet received the Light of Christ." (Pope Francis and Kabbalah: From Jewish Mysticism to Pagan Collaboration?, OnePeterFive, 6/27/18)
            • Catholics (including clergy) traveling in the Holy Land need a far better awareness of the above.
          • "A Canadian by birth, Father Dermine has been an exorcist for several Italian dioceses since 1994....Those who are in search of power are sometimes tempted to rely on the devil. This danger is real. It is absolutely not excluded that high-ranking people explicitly worship the devil — not to mention Freemasonry, some of whose members can get along very well with Satanism....the Scriptures are very clear on this from the beginning, since Deuteronomy, which condemns all forms of superstition and divination; it is all written in black and white. These practices are serious forms of infidelity towards God" (National Catholic Register, 12/4/2020)
          • Pseudo-Religions & African Spirituality Among Black Americans (David Gray, 12/3/21)

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