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Sunday, January 22, 2023

1/29/23: "perhaps you may be sheltered on the day of the Lord's anger"

2/22, Ash Wednesday

        • A Hill On Which To Die (Regis Martin, 1/18/23)
        • "Defending [authentic] marriage these days would seem to be a hill on which not so many are prepared to die. But why should that be the case? After all, there really isn’t anything more deserving of defense than the oldest institution in the world."

      • Priest describes ‘horrifying’ new attack on Catholics in Nigeria that leaves at least 11 dead (Catholic News Agency, 1/20/23)
        • The Seven Communist and 36 Islamic Regimes That Most Persecute Christians in 2023 (ZENIT, 1/19/23)
          • Stand up for Nigeria's Catholics & other suffering people; SUPPORT pharmacists who refuse involvement with contraceptives/abortifacients (1/17/23)
        • Dare We Fear That Most Men Be Damned? (E7ric Sammons, 1/19/23)
            "Modern Catholics live under the assumption that Hell is mostly empty. But doing so radically impacts our ability to fulfill the Great Commission." 
        • "In case you didn’t know it, the Catechism was strongly resisted when it was first promulgated in 1992.... It was one more element in the anti-JPII/Ratzinger gestalt among church professionals at the time, which was widespread and assumed to be normal. It was difficult to publicly articulate hostility to JPII because he was so popular....But Ratzinger, of course, was easy and practically required for them to hate ....It’s from the same family of ideas as: We’re a listening Church….oh, but not to you. Also: Sensus Fidelium for everyone! Hmmm, that thing over there is getting kind of popular. We should probably shut it down." (Amy Wellborn, 1/19/23)
        • "First proposal: Tabernacles returned to the center of every church....
          Second proposal: Abolish communion in the hand
          Third proposal: Eliminate Extraordinary Ministers....
          Fourth proposal: Reception of Holy Communion should always be kneeling" (A Radical Proposal for the USCCB’s Eucharistic Revival, Crisis Magazine, 1/9/23
          • "In my Catholic grade school, certain lines were clearly drawn.  On a daily basis, little boys would argue about who was better – the Yankees or the Mets....Looking back, the most interesting argument was among those who were also altar boys – as I was, starting in 1969.  We argued over who would hold the paten as the priest distributed the Holy Eucharist.  Each of us instinctively wanted that honor of protecting Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. The fact that even touching the Eucharist was reserved to clerics, and that all were kneeling to receive the Eucharist, also conveyed the extraordinary specialness of the Eucharist.  I believe that the simple resumption of the use of the altar boys’ paten, reserving Eucharistic distribution to clerics and kneeling communicants – as well as adherence to then-Cardinal Ratzinger’s 2004 Worthiness to Receive Holy Communion – would more profoundly impact people,,, than additional documents on Eucharistic coherence." (Catholic Stand, 8/4/2022)
        • "Dr. William Coulson was a disciple of the influential American psychologist Carl Rogers, and for many years a co-practitioner of the latter's 'nondirective' therapy.... In the following interview with Dr. William Marra, Dr. Coulson discusses his role in the destruction of Catholic religious orders, and his subsequent change of mind....
            ....'I don't know whether you remember, but in '67 the Jesuits had a big conference at Santa Clara, and there was a lot of talk about the 'Third Way' among the Jesuits....The first two ways are faithful marriage and faithful celibacy. But now there was this more humane way, a more human way-all too human as I see it today. The idea was that priests could date....I think the Jesuits are capable of bouncing back because they had such strong traditions of their own, and God willing they will....'

        Some devices promoted as "contraceptives" can actually work as "abortifacients"!
        They can cause early abortions, interfering with the implantation of a fertilized egg (or later)!

          Letters to Pharmaceutical Companies ["to protest the use of abortion-derived cell lines and advocate for the development of vaccines with no connection to abortion."]  (USCCB)
        Scientific documentation abortion [including so called "contraceptives" that are abortifacient] kills living human beings/persons  (Diane Irving, PhD, 6/26/22)

        Children of God for Life

        New Jersey Matters

        Church leadership matters
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