in Pennsylvania's First Congressional District's_1st_congressional_district
and the Central Garden State

Monday, April 17, 2023

"He was made known to them in the breaking of the bread" (3rd Sunday of Easter)

  • Pennsylvania’s pro-abortion governor pulls out all the stops to facilitate the killing of unborn babies (NRL News Today)

    • The popularity of LGBTQ identities in the United States is at an undeniable high. The 7.2 percent of American adults who claim such a self-identity is “double what it was when Gallup first measured LGBT identification a decade ago.” Nearly 20 percent of Gen Z, born between 1997 and 2012, claims part of the rainbow—an estimate almost twice that of Millennials (11 percent) and six times that found among Gen X (3.3 percent). Civil same-sex marriage, the law for nearly eight years now, has the support of 71 percent of American adults—almost certainly more among adolescents—and is up 13 percentage points since the Obergefell decision. All of the major American medical, sociological, and psychological professional organizations endorse LGBTQ claims, including gender medicine for minors, an industry now buttressed by over 400 clinics.

    Despite this impressive march through the institutions, the dominant narrative remains that all gains are “fragile.”  This narrative has succeeded in inculcating fear, leading scholars and health practitioners to multiply their calls for antidiscrimination laws, which they consider “essential tools for achieving LGBTQ+ health equity”....

    Christians will either retain the freedom to express their understanding of sex as dimorphic and marriage as a union between a man and a woman—ideas and practices that widely redound to global benefit—or their vision of sexuality and marriage will be suppressed, giving way to government-favored alternatives. Any Obergefell-era pretense that same-sex marriage, now joined by gender ideologies, would peacefully coexist with Christianity was clearly a convenient fiction. But human reality is heteronormative. We wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t. Social constructions, on the other hand, remain tentative, requiring consistent endorsement and reinforcement, with “fighting stigma” as perpetual motivation. The “Respect for Marriage Act,” signed into law in December, is the latest evidence of this. It won’t be the last. (Public Discourse, 4/12/23)

    Some devices promoted as "contraceptives" can actually work as "abortifacients"!
    They can cause early abortions, interfering with the implantation of a fertilized egg (or later)!

      Letters to Pharmaceutical Companies ["to protest the use of abortion-derived cell lines and advocate for the development of vaccines with no connection to abortion."]  (USCCB)
    Scientific documentation abortion [including so called "contraceptives" that are abortifacient] kills living human beings/persons  (Diane Irving, PhD, 6/26/22)

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