in Pennsylvania's First Congressional District's_1st_congressional_district
and the Central Garden State

Saturday, October 7, 2017

"Why, when I looked for the crop of grapes, did it bring forth wild grapes?"

  • Memorial of Our Lady of the Rosary Links (10/7/17)
  • HHS Mandate Decision Represents Return to Common Sense (USCCB, 10/6/17)
    • The government's new religious freedom guidance: What does it mean? (CNS, 10/6/17)
  • "....The recently-advanced hypothesis of reopening the way for the dignity of the person by radically neutralising sexual difference and, therefore, the understanding between man and woman, is not right. Instead of counteracting the negative interpretations of sexual difference, which mortify its irreducible value for human dignity, it seeks in effect to cancel out such difference, proposing techniques and practices that make it irrelevant for the development of the person and for human relationships. But the utopia of the 'neutral' removes both the human dignity of the sexually different constitution, and the personal quality of the generative transmission of life. The biological and psychical manipulation of sexual difference, which biomedical technology allows us to perceive as completely available to free choice – which it is not! – thus risks dismantling the source of energy that nurtures the alliance between man and woman and which renders it creative and fruitful.

    "The mysterious bond of the creation of the world with the generation of the Son, which is revealed in the Son Who makes Himself man in the womb of Mary – Mother of Jesus, Mother of God – for our love, will never cease to leave us awed and moved. This revelation definitively illuminates the mystery of being and the meaning of life. The image of generation radiates, from here, a profound wisdom on life. Inasmuch as it is received as a gift, life is exalted in the gift: generating it regenerates us, spending it enriches us....

    "The generative alliance of man and woman is a safeguard for the global humanism of men and women, not a handicap. Our history will not be renewed if we deny this truth...." (Pope Francis, 10/5/17).
  • Fr. James Martin on Marriage, Sexual Morality, and the Church’s Teachings: A Solution to the Puzzle (Prof Robert George of Princeton U, 10/5/17)
    "....My point here is merely to show that it is Fr. Martin's understanding—his misunderstanding—of what counts as the Church's teaching that solves the puzzle his own teaching presents."
  • Assisted Suicide is Not Healthcare (Human Life Action, 10/4/17)

  • House to Vote on Budget Resolution on Thursday [10/5/17(?)] Contact your Representative today! (USCCB, 10/3/17)
      • "As per a 9/20/17 email from Human Life Action (apparently a USCCB affiliate):

        "'This is "appropriations season" on the Hill. That means Congress must pass funding legislation for Fiscal Year 2018....

        "'Last Thursday, the House of Representatives approved HR 3354, Make America Secure and Prosperous Appropriations Act, 2018. It includes the full text of the Conscience Protection Act (CPA) of 2017! It also includes other provisions which we have taken action on such as the nullification of the DC law that legalized assisted suicide and the DC Reproductive Health Non-Discrimination Act (RHNDA), a DC law....There are many other pro-life provisions (both longstanding and new) in the funding bill as well, such as a prohibition on funding elective abortions for detainees of Immigration and Customs Enforcement and against funding for research involving human fetal tissue from abortions....Of the new provisions, our top priority is to ensure that the CPA is included....
        "'rather than finalizing the FY 2018 appropriations legislation by the end of the fiscal year (September 30), both the House and the Senate passed a Continuing Resolution to fund the government at its current levels with current policies until December 8, 2017....I again urge you to continue contacting your members of Congress. It is particularly important that the Senate know that our top priority is inclusion of the Conscience Protection Act in the year-end appropriations legislation."

    The below email to the White House and Pa delegation would include this wording: "Please support HR 3354 with ALL its pro life provisions."

On the right side of the home page is a link to email the White House and the Pa Delegation on federal matters (10/2/17 update), as well as a link to email Bucks County's Delegation in Harrisburg on state matters (10/2/17 update).

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