in Pennsylvania's First Congressional District's_1st_congressional_district
and the Central Garden State

Monday, May 10, 2021

The Ascension

The Ascension

(picture from Wikipedia)

"This Jesus who has been taken up from you into heaven
will return in the same way as you have seen him going into heaven."

The email links to the offices of legislators may work better directly from the web site...

Email NJ's congressional delegation and Email Pa's congressional delegation to request they 


the Born-AliveAbortion Survivors Protection Act,  

the Child Welfare Provider Inclusion Act

the Dignity for Aborted Children Act, &

the SAVE Moms and Babies Act. 


               HJ Res 17 / SJ Res 1,

               the misnamed Equality and Do No Harm Acts,  

              efforts to weaken the Hyde Amendment

               funding for Planned Parenthood (and all involved with abortion.).  

              HR 1 / S 1,

              and any COVID relief funds for abortion!   

  Also Tell President Biden that you oppose

      • the anti life HJ Res 17 & SJ Res 1,
      • the anti life Equality Act
      • (& so-called Do No Harm Act),
      • any weakening of the Hyde Amendment,
      • any funding for Planned Parenthood and others involved with abortion 
      • the anti freedom HR 1/ S 1,
      • any COVID bills that fund abortion

Email all Burlington, Mercer, Monmouth, & Ocean delegations in Trenton
Action Needed to Oppose the NJ Reproductive Freedom Act (S3030/A4848) (NJ Right to Life) 
Email the Bucks delegation in Harrisburg, to defend human life and marriage/family, as well as to promote conscience protection/religious freedom

(Signed videos with the answers are meant for assistance & are NOT approved translations.
Hearing people may notice that some audio continues after the signing stops.
This is usually just the audio looping back and is NOT adIditional material.)
391. What does the acceptance of God’s mercy requi...
392. What is sin?
393. Is there a variety of sins?
394. How are sins distinguished according to their...
395. When does one commit a mortal sin?
396. When does one commit a venial sin?
397. How does sin proliferate?
398. What are vices?
399. Do we have any responsibility for sins commit...
400. What are structures of sin?
401. In what does the social dimension of man cons...
402. What is the relationship between the person a...
403. What is the principle of subsidiarity?
404. What else is required for an authentic human ...
405. What is the foundation of the authority of so...
406. When is authority exercised in a legitimate w...
407. What is the common good?
408. What is involved in the common good?
409. Where can one find the most complete realizat...
410. How does one participate in bringing about th...
411. How does society ensure social justice?
412. On what is human equality based?
413. How are we to view social inequalities?
414. How is human solidarity manifested?
415. What is the moral law?
416. In what does the natural moral law consist?
417. Is such a law perceived by everyone?
418. What is the relationship between the natural ...
419. What place does the Old Law have in the plan ...
420. What is the New Law or the Law of the Gospel?...
421. Where does one find the New Law?
422. What is justification?
423. What is the grace that justifies?
424. What other kinds of grace are there?
425. What is the relationship between grace and hu...
426. What is merit?
427. What are the goods that we can merit?
428. Are all called to Christian holiness?
429. How does the Church nourish the moral life of...
430. Why does the Magisterium of the Church act in...
431. What purpose do the precepts of the Church ha...
432. What are the precepts of the Church?
433. Why is the Christian moral life indispensable...
434. “Teacher, what good must I do to have eternal...
435. How did Jesus interpret the Law?
436. What does “Decalogue” mean?
437. What is the bond between the Decalogue and th...
438. What importance does the Church give to the D...
439. Why does the Decalogue constitute an organic ...
440. Why does the Decalogue enjoin serious obligat...
441. Is it possible to keep the Decalogue?
442. What is implied in the affirmation of God: “I...
443. What is the meaning of the words of our Lord,...
444. In what way does a person exercise his or her...
445. What does God prohibit by his command, “You s...
446. Does the commandment of God, “You shall not m...
447. How does one respect the holiness of the Name...
448. Why is a false oath forbidden?
449. What is perjury?
450. Why did God “bless the Sabbath day and declar...
451. How did Jesus act in regard to the Sabbath?
452. For what reason has the Sabbath been changed ...
453. How does one keep Sunday holy?
454. Why is the civil recognition of Sunday as a f...
455. What does the fourth commandment require?
456. What is the nature of the family in the plan ...
457. What place does the family occupy in society?...
458. What are the duties that society has toward t...
459. What are the duties of children toward their ...
460. What are the duties of parents toward their c...
461. How are parents to educate their children in ...
462. Are family bonds an absolute good?
463. How should authority be exercised in the vari...
464. What are the duties of citizens in regard to ...
465. When is a citizen forbidden to obey civil aut...
466. Why must human life be respected?
467. Why is the legitimate defense of persons and ...
468. What is the purpose of punishment?
469. What kind of punishment may be imposed?
470. What is forbidden by the fifth commandment?
471. What medical procedures are permitted when de...
472. Why must society protect every embryo?
473. How does one avoid scandal?
474. What duty do we have toward our body?
475. When are scientific, medical, or psychologica...
476. Are the transplant and donation of organs all...
477. What practices are contrary to respect for th...
478. What care must be given to the dying?
479. How are the bodies of the deceased to be trea...
480. What does the Lord ask of every person in reg...
481. What is peace in this world?
482. What is required for earthly peace?
483. When is it morally permitted to use military ...
484. In danger of war, who has the responsibility ...
485. In case of war, what does the moral law requi...
486. What must be done to avoid war?
487. What responsibility do human persons have in ...
488. What is chastity?
489. What is involved in the virtue of chastity?
490. What are the means that aid the living of cha...
491. In what way is everyone called to live chasti...
492. What are the principal sins against chastity?...
493. Although it says only “you shall not commit a...
494. What is the responsibility of civil authority...
495. What are the goods of conjugal love to which ...
496. What is the meaning of the conjugal act?
497. When is it moral to regulate births?
498. What are immoral means of birth control?
499. Why are artificial insemination and artificia...
500. How should children be considered?
501. What can spouses do when they do not have chi...
502. What are the offenses against the dignity of ...
503. What is set forth by the seventh commandment?...
504. Under what conditions does the right to priva...
505. What is the purpose of private property?
506. What does the seventh commandment require?
507. What attitude should people have toward anima...
508. What is forbidden by the seventh commandment?...
509. What is the content of the social doctrine of...
510. When does the Church intervene in social area...
511. How should social and economic life be pursue...
512. What would be opposed to the social doctrine ...
513. What is the meaning of work?
514. To what type of work does every person have a...
515. What responsibility does the State have in re...
516. What is the task of business management?
517. What are the duties of workers?
518. How is justice and solidarity among nations b...
519. In what way do Christians participate in poli...
520. By what is love for the poor inspired?
521. What is one’s duty toward the truth?
522. How does one bear witness to the truth?
523. What is forbidden by the eighth commandment?
524. What is required by the eighth commandment?
525. How is one to use the means of social communi...
526. What relationship exists between truth, beaut...
527. What is required by the ninth commandment?
528. What is forbidden by the ninth commandment?
529. How does one reach purity of heart?
530. What are the other requirements for purity?
531. What is required and what is forbidden by the...
532. What does Jesus call for in poverty of spirit...
533. What is the greatest human desire?

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