in Pennsylvania's First Congressional District's_1st_congressional_district
and the Central Garden State

Saturday, December 30, 2017

"The Lord took Abram outside and said, 'Look up at the sky and count the stars, if you can. Just so,' He added, 'shall your descendants be.'"

The ‘12 Days of Christmas’: An ‘underground’ catechism for persecuted Catholics (Catholic News Herald, 12/21/17
Memorial of Saint John Neumann, Bishop (1/4/18) - some photos from Philly's own shrine  
The Octave Day of Christmas, Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God (1/1/18)
  • Twenty-three Catholic Missionaries Were Killed in the World in 2017 (ZENIT, 12/29/17)

  • Patriarch Younan: In Syria and Iraq, Survival of One of Oldest Christian Churches Is Being Threatened (ZENIT, 12/29/17

    On the right side of the home page is a link to email the White House and the Pa Delegation on selected federal matters (12/23/17 update), as well as a link to email Bucks County's Delegation in Harrisburg on selected state matters (12/23/17 update).

      • The horror of Ukraine's forgotten famine still casts a shadow (EWTN, 12/22/17)
      • Catholic Partners Urge 18-month Extension of Temporary Protected Status for El Salvador (USCCB, 12/21/17)
      • Washington’s archbishop and Arlington’s bishop announce participants in upcoming March for Life events can obtain plenary indulgence (Catholic Standard, 12/20/17)

      • Looking at The Updated Charter for Healthcare Workers (excerpts with comments and pictures added) (12/10/17)

      • Renovatio 21 in Italy speaks out on aborted fetal vaccines (Children of God for Life, 12/6/17)
        (NOTE: At some points, this article seems to have been awkwardly translated.  However, it raises concerns about a topic which often seems to have been treated dismissively - vaccinations derived from aborted children.)

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