in Pennsylvania's First Congressional District's_1st_congressional_district
and the Central Garden State

Sunday, July 10, 2016

"not just 'nice' or an 'ideal.' It is absolutely necessary"

"not just 'nice' or an 'ideal.'  It is absolutely necessary"

National NFP Awareness Week:  July 24 - July 30 (USCCB)

  • "Rather than holding to the Christian and common sense view that sex belongs within marriage between a male and a female committed to each other for life and open to children, our culture thinks that sex is quite simply for pleasure — and that almost any combination of consenting individuals may morally seek that pleasure without any commitment, without an openness to children....

    "The pattern of marriages in the United States is often something like this: multiple sexual partners before marriage; a two- or three-year period of cohabitation, all the while contracepting; two or three years of contracepted sex after marriage; suspending with contraception for a short period of time in order to conceive the first child; return to contraception; suspending contraception to conceive the second child; then the wife or husband gets sterilized; then they get divorced.  This is not the pattern of courtship or marriage that God had in mind.... 

  • "One thing I can count on is that young people hate divorce; either they have grown up in divorced households and have experienced the heartbreak and trauma of divorce or they have friends who have. They want long-lasting marriages.  When I tell them that those who live by the Church’s teaching — no sex before marriage, no contraception within marriage, using of NFP [natural family planning] to space children when necessary — almost never divorce, they are prepared to listen.....If we get people basing their marriages on the Church’s teaching, we will have many more happy and healthy families" (Dr. Janet Smith, 10/17/2003). 
  • The USCCB sometimes allows potential abortifacients in Catholic hospitals??? Come on, you're kidding me, right? (3/5/16)

USCCB Legislative Advocacy

Advocacy in Harrisburg on pro life and pro marriage/family legislation....

In the news....

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