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Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Corpus Christi, 6/18/17 (& Father's Day)
In 1263, "a German priest, Fr. Peter of Prague, stopped in Bolsena, Italy during a pilgrimage to Rome. The priest is described as having been pious, but found it difficult to believe in the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist.  During his stay, the priest was saying Mass in the Church of St. Christina in Bolsena, and had just finished the words of consecration when blood began to seep from the Host onto the altar and corporal....Fr. Peter immediately journeyed to Orvieto where Pope Urban VI was residing at the time, and informed the pontiff of what had just occurred.  After hearing the priest’s account, the pontiff absolved the priest for his disbelief and had the host and blood-stained corporal brought to the Cathedral in Orvieto where they are still venerated today, and instituted the feast of 'Corpus Christi' a year later" (EWTN News, 10/7/13)

 On the right side of the home page is a link to email the White House and the Pa Delegation in D.C. on federal/international matters, as well as a link to email the Bucks County Delegation in Harrisburg on state matters.

Protect your tax dollars from going to Planned Parenthood abortionists!

March for Marriage
"The Church understands marriage as a unique relationship, with a unique definition. It’s a faithful covenant between one man and one woman for life. By its very nature, marriage is ordered not only to companionship and mutual support, but also – and even more fundamentally – to the procreation and education of children. This is why every child deserves a family where the father loves the mother, and the mother loves the father. For anyone to attempt to redefine marriage or the family as something else undermines that goal. Thus it’s vital that the Church keep working to defend the integrity of marriage.  For this reason, I support the Marriage March that will take place in Washington, D.C., on June 17, 2017. For more information, please contact the Office for Life and Family or visit
Most Reverend Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap.

Archbishop of Philadelphia"

Conscience: "that still small voice that people won't listen to" (J.Cricket).
Are we losing sight of the ultimate reason that we need conscience protections for health care workers?  As per one former John Cardinal Krol Chair of Moral Theology:

"The Catholic Church opposes direct sterilization, and the use of contraceptive drugs and devices, including those which may cause abortion, not as a matter of 'company policy,' but as a matter of moral conviction that these practices violate the true dignity of the human person. One cannot promote the true good of individuals and society by facilitating and promoting practices that are, in fact, injurious to persons" ()....

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    • Fitzpatrick Statement on Shooting at Republican Baseball Practice (6/14/17)
  • What can priests practically do to combat the porn epidemic? (EWTN, 6/14/17)

  • Pope Francis' Message for the First World Day of the Poor, 11/19/17 (released on 6/13/17)

  • Bernie’s comments on Christians weren’t just arrogant … they were unconstitutional (LifeSiteNews, 6/13/17)
  • Laity, gender ideology shared concerns for Pope and Panama's bishops (EWTN, 6/10/17)
    • President Trump Reappoints NIH Director Francis Collins Who Supports Embryonic Stem Cell Research (Lifenews, 6/7/17)
    • Teen pregnancy rate falls 42.6 percent after UK cuts sex-ed, birth-control funding: study (LifeSiteNews, 6/5/17)

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