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and the Central Garden State

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Many are invited, but few are chosen.

  • "The United States, Poland, and more than one hundred other governments and non-governmental organizations barraged the UN Human Rights Committee with briefs, pleading them not to declare abortion a human right.

    "A bicameral and bipartisan coalition of 51 members of the U.S. Congress, led by Chris Smith of New Jersey, also wrote to the committee, 'As lawmakers, we believe we have a duty to protect the weak, disenfranchised, unwanted and vulnerable from violence and abuse. Therefore we write to affirm that the most elemental human right of all—the right to life—includes unborn children'....

    "The UN committee is finalizing a legal commentary that excludes unborn children and the terminally ill from the right to life in article 6 of the UN treaty on civil and political rights, one of the earliest and most widely ratified UN treaties. The commentary will not be binding but could be influential.

    "While the official statement of the U.S. did not address euthanasia, and did not rule out the possibility of a human right to abortion under other UN treaties that had not been ratified by the United States, it wrote that 'any issues concerning access to abortion […] are outside the scope of Article 6.' The U.S. described the draft commentary as 'expansive' and 'inconsistent with a proper interpretive analysis'...." (C-Fam, 10/13/17
  • "Exactly 100 years ago, the sun danced....

    "the historical record is clear. The sun danced. And up to 70,000 people saw it. Secular newspapers reported it. Skeptical journalists and scientists who were present affirmed what they deemed to be impossible: the sun danced....

    "At Fatima, Our Lady had a message for the world that was so urgent that she resorted to extraordinary means to grab our attention....

    "Amend our lives, and ask pardon for our sins!....

    "I have written before about visionary Sr. Lucia’s warning to Cardinal Caffarra that the 'final battle' between God and Satan would be the battle over marriage, and her assurance that 'Our Lady has already crushed its head.' What I have not so far mentioned are the messages later given privately to some of the visionaries, which show that Our Lady was deeply concerned with the attack against morality, the consequences of which touch directly on the family....

    "The Catechism of the Catholic Church has this to say about modesty:

    "Modesty protects the mystery of persons and their love. It encourages patience and moderation in loving relationships; it requires that the conditions for the definitive giving and commitment of man and woman to one another be fulfilled. Modesty is decency. It inspires one’s choice of clothing. It keeps silence or reserve where there is evident risk of unhealthy curiosity. It is discreet. – CCC, ¶ 2522....

    "100 years ago, the sun danced. And the promise that Our Lady made that summer to Lucia and the children is the same promise she makes to us: 'I will be with you always, and my Immaculate Heart will be your comfort and the way which will lead you to God.'

    "It is only up to us to heed Our Lady’s message at Fatima, and to put it into effect in our lives....

    "Our Lady of Fatima: Pray for us" (Rev. Shenan Boquet, Human Life International, 10/13/17).
  • "....My Delegation would like to underline in particular...that poverty is one of the tragic outcomes of social, economic and political exclusion. These are artificial barriers that block the participation necessary for integral human development and concentrate the opportunities and benefits in the hands of a privileged few. Pope Francis has emphasized that 'a way has to be found to enable everyone to benefit from the fruits of the earth, and not simply to close the gap between the affluent and those who must be satisfied with the crumbs falling from the table.'[2] [link added]....

    "The obvious antidote to exclusion is a concerted, strategic developmental focus on inclusion, replacing barriers with pathways to participation; foremost among them is investing in early child development and in health and education....

    "Another inclusive pathway out of poverty is the implementation and expansion of social protection policies, like pensions for seniors, child benefits and cash transfers to indigent families....

    "Programs of inclusion must have a preferential focus on women and girls, since they are disproportionately among the poorest....To achieve parity and equity in the labor force, there must be recognition of women’s informal work and the expansion of social protections for them....Economic inclusion is crucial also to combat human rights abuses like trafficking in persons for labor or sexual exploitation, and widespread exploitation of female domestic and migrant workers.

    "The Holy See would like to encourage the United Nations to mainstream the eradication of poverty, and the social, political and economic inclusion necessary for it to occur, into all aspects of its mission. Without ending poverty, all the other development goals become unattainable...." (Archbishop Bernardito Auza, Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Nations, 10/12/17)
  • "The Catholic Church in the United States will celebrate National Vocations Awareness Week, November 5-11, 2017. This annual event is a special time for parishes in the United States to actively foster and pray for a culture of vocations to the priesthood, diaconate, and consecrated life" (USCCB, 10/11/17)
    • "[Clericalism] does much to explain the apparent shortage of new vocations to the priesthood and religious life and the persistent failure of carefully planned programs to recruit them....Like others before him (St. Francis de Sales and John Henry Newman, for instance), Pope John Paul II gave a compelling account of personal vocation. In fact, it was one of his central themes. 'God calls… each one individually by name," he wrote. "In this sense the Lord's words, 'You go into my vineyard too,' directed to the Church as a whole, are specially addressed to each member individually' (Christifideles Laici, 28)....In the context of American Catholicism today, it's a bit of a shock to realize that Vatican II, while strongly encouraging lay apostolate, had next to nothing to say about 'lay ministries'" (Russell Shaw, 5/6/08).

On the right side of the home page is a link to email the White House and the Pa Delegation on federal matters (10/11/17 update), as well as a link to email Bucks County's Delegation in Harrisburg on state matters (10/11/17 update).

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