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Thursday, July 5, 2018

Made for Love (MUR e-news) (USCCB, 7/2/18)

50th Anniversary of Humanae Vitae: July 25, 2018

2018 is the 50th Anniversary of the Encyclical Humanae Vitae (On Human Life).

The USCCB has published a 50th Anniversary edition of the encyclical by soon-to-be-Saint Pope Paul VI. And the Natural Family Planning Office has a website dedicated to the anniversary and the various celebrations and conferences surrounding it. There will be a two-part podcast on the anniversary as well.

In addition, bishops in the U.S. are preaching on the anniversary and/or sharing little snippets about them at our #HV50 YouTube page.

Humanae Vitae is also the theme for this year's observation of Natural Family Planning Awareness Week (July 22- 28), so there will be lots of social media posts surrounding that on the main USCCB pages.
Made for Love Podcast
In June, "Made for Love" featured episodes on the priesthood and fatherhood (not unrelated!): "Priests come from Families, too" and "Fatherhood: the Masculine Genius"

There are extra features to the show notes on the blog.

In July, we'll have TWO episodes about Humanae Vitae and TWO episodes about NFP for NFP Week!

If you listen through iTunes (USCCB Clips), it would help a lot if you would leave a review! And we are on Soundcloud and podbean
Keep Kids First:
Faith-Based Adoption and Foster Care
The USCCB supports the Child Welfare Provider Inclusion Act, which would ensure that faith-based adoption and/or foster care agencies will not be discriminated against based on their conviction that children ought to be placed in homes with a married mother and a father.

Recent state battles, in Kansas and Oklahoma, have highlighted the need for federal protection in this area. The Chairmen of the USCCB's Committees on Domestic Justice and Human Development, Religious Liberty, and the Promotion and Defense of Marriage urged this legislation in a letter with ecumenical and interfaith partners, then issued a joint statement on the passage of these state bills.
Church Teaching on Marriage
Our website has a great one-stop-shop for Church teaching on marriage. Bookmark it so that you have an easy reference spot!
Legal Updates
U.S. Supreme Court
The big news last month (June 4) was the decision in the Masterpiece Cakeshop case that was before the U.S. Supreme Court. The case was about a cake artist who declined to create a wedding cake for a same-sex ceremony. The Supreme Court ruled 7 to 2 in favor of the baker. Here is the opinion of the Court. Three USCCB Chairmen reacted to the decision in a statement on June 4.

The other news from the Supreme Court is that the case of the florist in Washington State (Barronelle Stutzman) who declined to design arrangements for a same-sex ceremony has been sent back to the Washington Supreme Court to be reconsidered in light of the Cakeshop decision.
June 2018
July 2018
Continuing the U.S. Bishops' work of promoting and defending marriage.
50th Anniversary of Humanae Vitae: July 25, 2018

2018 is the 50th Anniversary of the Encyclical Humanae Vitae (On Human Life).

The USCCB has published a 50th Anniversary edition of the encyclical by soon-to-be-Saint Pope Paul VI. And the Natural Family Planning Office has a website dedicated to the anniversary and the various celebrations and conferences surrounding it. There will be a two-part podcast on the anniversary as well.

In addition, bishops in the U.S. are preaching on the anniversary and/or sharing little snippets about them at our #HV50 YouTube page.

Humanae Vitae is also the theme for this year's observation of Natural Family Planning Awareness Week (July 22- 28), so there will be lots of social media posts surrounding that on the main USCCB pages.
Made for Love Podcast
In June, "Made for Love" featured episodes on the priesthood and fatherhood (not unrelated!): "Priests come from Families, too" and "Fatherhood: the Masculine Genius"

There are extra features to the show notes on the blog.

In July, we'll have TWO episodes about Humanae Vitae and TWO episodes about NFP for NFP Week!

If you listen through iTunes (USCCB Clips), it would help a lot if you would leave a review! And we are on Soundcloud and podbean
Keep Kids First:
Faith-Based Adoption and Foster Care
The USCCB supports the Child Welfare Provider Inclusion Act, which would ensure that faith-based adoption and/or foster care agencies will not be discriminated against based on their conviction that children ought to be placed in homes with a married mother and a father.

Recent state battles, in Kansas and Oklahoma, have highlighted the need for federal protection in this area. The Chairmen of the USCCB's Committees on Domestic Justice and Human Development, Religious Liberty, and the Promotion and Defense of Marriage urged this legislation in a letter with ecumenical and interfaith partners, then issued a joint statement on the passage of these state bills.
Church Teaching on Marriage
Our website has a great one-stop-shop for Church teaching on marriage. Bookmark it so that you have an easy reference spot!
Legal Updates
U.S. Supreme Court
The big news last month (June 4) was the decision in the Masterpiece Cakeshop case that was before the U.S. Supreme Court. The case was about a cake artist who declined to create a wedding cake for a same-sex ceremony. The Supreme Court ruled 7 to 2 in favor of the baker. Here is the opinion of the Court. Three USCCB Chairmen reacted to the decision in a statement on June 4.

The other news from the Supreme Court is that the case of the florist in Washington State (Barronelle Stutzman) who declined to design arrangements for a same-sex ceremony has been sent back to the Washington Supreme Court to be reconsidered in light of the Cakeshop decision.

Made for Love | USCCB | (202) 541-3000 ||

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