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Friday, October 5, 2018

RE: Scott Hahn: Don’t laicize sexual predators–excommunicate them (LifeSiteNews, 10/4/18)

"Catholic apologist, author, and Franciscan University of Steubenville professor Scott Hahn has stated that clergy convicted of being sexual predators shouldn't be defrocked, they should receive 'excommunication.' He appeared to be referring to now ex-Cardinal McCarrick without mentioning him by name.

"Hahn said to participants at the Napa Institute's Authentic Catholic Reform Conference in Washington D.C. earlier this week that excommunication is a 'hard medicine' that ultimately seeks the good of the one being punished. He also said that calls for the predatory ex-cardinal Theodore McCarrick to be 'reduced to the lay state' indicated contempt for the laity....

"'What has brought this to my attention recently is a prelate, that we may all have read about, who was convicted [sic. Hahn is inaccurate on this point, I believe.] and then he was basically forced to resign from his cardinalate,' Hahn stated....

"'Reduce him down to the level of the laity'....'Think about that. What does that imply? What do people think about laity? That if you're a prelate, and a predator, and a promoter, and a protector, and you're caught... Boom! You can't be clergy; you have to be at the level of the laity!'

"'So much for the universal call to holiness,' he exclaimed....

"Hahn pointed out that St. Paul prescribes the 'hard medicine' of excommunication in his First Letter to the Corinthians (1 Cor 5:1-5). In this passage, Saint Paul condemns the sexual immorality of a member of the community and advises the community to banish the man....

"The point of not 'to get even' or even primarily 'to purify the Church' but for 'the man's salvation,' Hahn said....The sincerely repentant sinner can now be welcomed back with joy, 'for that was the whole point' of the punishment. 

"Hahn exhorted his hearers not to concentrate exclusively on clerical sins...but also to develop a 'holy contempt' for the sins they 'commit the most, and enjoy the most, and rationalise the most because they're the sins that will do the most damage', not just to themselves, but to the Church and their families....

"Hahn believes we have a crisis that eclipses the Reformation of 500 years ago....

" going to confession, constantly tending one's marriage, and being a good parent. Hahn emphasised [sic] that being a good father, implies having a fatherly, rather than a motherly love, a love that accepts children for who they are but still encourages them to do better.

"Quoting a professor from his student days, Hahn said that the culture would be transformed 'if Catholics simply lived out the sacrament of matrimony.'" [AMEN!]

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