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Sunday, December 2, 2018

What's all this fuss about St. Michael the March Angel?

Many Catholic adults seem unfamiliar with basic theological notions such as original sin, the possibility of damnation, and our need for redemption. In a comical way, Father Guido Sarducci (The fictional gossip columnist for L'Osservatore Romano.) has spoken of how - for some - "touchy feely" notions have replaced authentic Catholic understandings:
Amidst many poorly catechized Catholics, extra care may certainly be needed to explain the spiritual battles in which we find ourselves.

  • "If ever there was a time for Catholics to call on a saint whose charge is to 'defend us in battle,' it is now....

    "Bishops...are...asking that the prayer to St. Michael the Archangel be recited after Masses, as it was from 1886 to about 1964. Several dioceses are implementing the change beginning today, Sept. 29, the feast of the Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, citing particularly the need to pray as the Church deals with the clergy sexual-abuse scandal....

    "The St. Michael Prayer was composed in 1886 by Pope Leo XIII, who also asked that it be said at the end of 'low' Masses throughout the Church. Recitation of it fell away after the Second Vatican Council, however, and in recent years, some have been calling for it to be restored after Masses....

    "In the Diocese of Toledo, Ohio, where Bishop Daniel Thomas [a former Philadelphia auxiliary bishop] has asked that the St. Michael Prayer be recited after Masses....

    "Archbishop Charles Chaput has asked all pastors to consider taking up the practice in their parishes." (National Catholic Register, 9/29/18)
  • "I encourage all our lay faithful and clergy to pray the prayer of St. Michael in all our parishes and institutions" [Note: No end date was cited] (Archbishop Chaput, 9/29-30/18).
  • "Pope Francis met earlier in September with Jesuit Father Federic Fornos, international director of the Pope's Worldwide Prayer Network, formerly known as the Apostleship of Prayer, to ask that the recitation of the Rosary in October conclude with 'the ancient invocation ''Sub Tuum Praesidium'' (''Under your protection'') and with the prayer to St. Michael the Archangel, who protects us in the battle against evil.'

    "The first prayer, to Mary, has a variety of translations. One reads: 'We turn to you for protection, Holy Mother of God. Listen to our prayers and help us in our needs. Save us from every danger, glorious and blessed Virgin'....

    "In an Oct. 1 letter to his priests, Bishop David M. O’Connell, C.M., conveyed the Holy Father’s prayer requests for the month of October, encouraging pastors to make the prayers available to parishioners" (The Monitor, 10/4/18).

Based on casual observance, more parishes in Central Jersey than Bucks County seem to be reinstituting the recitation of the Prayer of Saint Michael at the end of Mass. Why not all parishes on both sides of the Delaware?

So  many of us have suffered from the scandal of sexual abuse and recognize the need to fight back against Satan and his minions.

Anyone old enough to remember the early years of SNL will recall how Gilda Radner's "Emily Litella" got messages confused.  To anyone who may be confused, it simply needs to be explained that we are calling upon the intercession of Saint Michael the Archangel in defending ourselves and our loved one from Satan and his minions!

And obviously, the need for incredible spiritual assistance in battling the damage done to our church is no laughing matter!

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