in Pennsylvania's First Congressional District's_1st_congressional_district
and the Central Garden State

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

"This Jesus who has been taken up from you into heaven will return in the same way as you have seen him going into heaven.” (5/16/21)

The Ascension of Christ (Hans Süss von Kulmbach, 1513)

  • from a 5/12/21 Knights of the Immaculata email:
  • NY sidewalk counseling case takes disturbing turn after surprise court ruling (LiveAction, 5/10/21)
  • "The PA Catholic Conference (PCC)...called on the University of Pittsburgh to stop all experiments with aborted babies and for Pennsylvania lawmakers to open a full investigation into the extent of this practice.  'We are horrified by reports that researchers at the school used scalps from aborted babies to create so-called ‘humanized mice’ for research,' said PCC Executive Director Eric Failing" (Pa Catholic Conference, 5/7/21).

  • Is Love the Cause of Hatred? The Answer May Surprise You (Msgr Charles Pope, 5/4/21)
  • "[Saint] Catherine [of Siena] lived in worse times than our own because it was not only the Church that seemed to be collapsing, but larger society and even the world itself....For her, the much longed-for reform of the Church was not a matter of institutional or disciplinary change, such as the abolition of celibacy, but rather a matter of conversion, the interior reform of the individual" (Catholic World Report, 4/29/21).  
  • Pennsylvania Action: Get the Word out on Ballot Questions (Voices For Life)

The email links to the offices of legislators may work better directly from the web site, rather than clicking from an email....

Email NJ's congressional delegation and Email Pa's congressional delegation to request they 


the Born-AliveAbortion Survivors Protection Act,  

the Child Welfare Provider Inclusion Act

the Dignity for Aborted Children Act, &

the SAVE Moms and Babies Act. 


               HJ Res 17 / SJ Res 1,

               the misnamed Equality and Do No Harm Acts,  

              efforts to weaken the Hyde Amendment

               funding for Planned Parenthood (and all involved with abortion.).  

              HR 1 / S 1,

              and any COVID relief funds for abortion!   

  Also Tell President Biden that you oppose

    • the anti life HJ Res 17 & SJ Res 1,
    • the anti life Equality Act
    • (& so-called Do No Harm Act),
    • any weakening of the Hyde Amendment,
    • any funding for Planned Parenthood and others involved with abortion 
    • the anti freedom HR 1/ S 1,
    • any COVID bills that fund abortion

Email all Burlington, Mercer, Monmouth, & Ocean delegations in Trenton
Action Needed to Oppose the NJ Reproductive Freedom Act (S3030/A4848) (NJ Right to Life) 
Email the Bucks delegation in Harrisburg, to defend human life and marriage/family, as well as to promote conscience protection/religious freedom

(Signed videos with the answers are meant for assistance & are NOT approved translations.
Hearing people may notice that some audio continues after the signing stops.
This is usually just the audio looping back and is NOT adIditional material.)

534. What is prayer?
535. Why is there a universal call to prayer?
536. How is Abraham a model of prayer?
537. How did Moses pray?
538. In the Old Testament, what relationship do th...
539. What is the role of prayer in the mission of ...
540. What is the importance of the Psalms in praye...
541. From whom did Jesus learn how to pray?
542. When did Jesus pray?
543. How did Jesus pray during his passion?
544. How does Jesus teach us to pray?
545. Why is our prayer efficacious?
546. How did the Virgin Mary pray?
547. Is there a prayer of Mary in the Gospel?
548. How did the first Christian community in Jeru...
549. How does the Holy Spirit intervene in the Chu...
550. What are the essential forms of Christian pra...
551. What is “blessing”?
552. How can adoration be defined?
553. What are the different forms of the prayer of...
554. In what does the prayer of intercession consi...
555. When is thanksgiving given to God?
556. What is the prayer of praise?
557. What is the importance of Tradition in regard...
558. What are the sources of Christian prayer?
559. In the Church are there different ways of pra...
560. What is the way of our prayer?
561. What is the role of the Holy Spirit in prayer...
562. How is Christian prayer Marian?
563. How does the Church pray to Mary?
564. How are the saints guides for prayer?
565. Who can educate us in prayer?
566. What places are conducive to prayer?
567. What times are more suitable for prayer?
568. What are the expressions of the life of praye...
569. How can vocal prayer be described?
570. What is meditation?
571. What is contemplative prayer?
572. Why is prayer a “battle”?
573. Are there objections to prayer?
574. What are the difficulties in prayer?
575. How may we strengthen our filial trust?
576. Is it possible to pray always?
577. What is the prayer of the Hour of Jesus?
578. What is the origin of the Our Father?
579. What is the place of the Our Father in the Sc...
580. Why is it called the “Lord’s Prayer”?
581. What place does the Our Father have in the pr...
582. Why can we dare to draw near to God in full c...
583. How is it possible to address God as “Father”...
584. Why do we say “our” Father?
585. With what spirit of communion and mission do ...
586. What does the phrase “Who art in heaven” mean...
587. What is the structure of the Lord’s Prayer?
588. What does “Hallowed be thy Name” mean?
589. How is the Name of God made holy in us and in...
590. What does the Church ask for when she prays “...
591. Why pray “Thy will be done on earth as it is ...
592. What is the sense of the petition “Give us th...
593. What is the specifically Christian sense of t...
594. Why do we say “Forgive us our trespasses as w...
595. How is forgiveness possible?
596. What does “Lead us not into temptation” mean?...
597. Why do we conclude by asking “But deliver us ...
598. What is the meaning of the final Amen?

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