in Pennsylvania's First Congressional District's_1st_congressional_district
and the Central Garden State

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Rather than ordination or the religious life, "most people are called to the vocation of [AUTHENTIC] marriage and family" - our route to eternal life with God!

  • The bad news, the possibly good news, and the need to spread "The Gospel of the Sanctity of Marriage" (11/24/13)
  • "The revolt against God is an ancient battle that circles back to the Garden of Eden, where a sinister force first tried to separate man and woman from the will of Divine Providence and tear asunder the male-female union that the Creator had ordained....the far left has remained undeterred, faithful to its rebellious roots" (p. 11).

    "Throughout the nineteenth century, varying communists, socialists, and assorted utopians wrote about the glories of 'free love' and cogitated on the inherent ills of the traditional family" (p. 24).

    "By 1934 Moscow women were having three abortions for every live birth, shocking ratios that American women, in the worst, wildest throes of Roe v. Wade, never approached" (p. 45)  (Professor Paul Kengor, 4/12/2016)

  •  [To claims of priestly abuse,] "how did the hierarchy respond? Typically with flat denial, a claim that the parents were being uncharitable, a rush to hide evidence and squelch public discussion. That pattern of denial has changed. But what happens, even today, when a lay Catholic complains....All too often the response is similar to the old, flawed pattern that we saw in reactions to sex-abuse complaints: stout denial, a refusal to investigate or to examine evidence, a charge that the lay persons lodging the complaint are uncharitable. Thus the rights of the laity are suppressed and the offenses continue. The sex-abuse scandal has exposed a systematic problem in the American hierarchy: a failure of leadership that violated the rights of the faithful and allowed the spread of corruption" (Phil Lawler, 10/29/18).
  • The universal call to chastity and "de facto apostates" (?) (2/26/19)

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