in Pennsylvania's First Congressional District's_1st_congressional_district
and the Central Garden State

Sunday, September 29, 2024

P.S., re NJ AR157

As per a 9/30/24 email from Marie Tasy of NJ Right to Life:

You may recall that I previously sent you a Press Release from Asm. Paul Kanitra (R-10) calling for an investigation of the Attorney General for his harassment of the Pregnancy Centers.  

Now, Asw. Dawn Fantasia (R-24) is speaking out against this terrible injustice by introducing AR157, a Resolution to support the work of Pregnancy Centers and condemning the harassment of pregnancy resource centers by the Attorney General. The Resolution has a lot of informative background information and is well-researched. We commend Asw. Fantasia for introducing this Resolution.   Click here to read AR157.  

Asw. Fantasia is a newly elected Assemblywoman from Sussex County. She has been outspoken on all pro-life issues, and has been especially vocal on the floor of the NJ Assembly whenever a pro-abortion bill comes up.

Please pass this information on to individuals who work at the NJ Pregnancy Centers so they know they are supported, then contact your two state Assembly members and urge them to sign on to the Resolution.  You can search for them by your municipality HERE

If you wish to thank Asw. Fantasia for her passionate defense of Moms and Babies and introducing this Resolution, her contact information is below:

Rosary Crusade for Life (1,2)

10/6, 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time (sign/voice)

  • Spare Us O Lord from the Election of Harris and Walz (Catholic365, 9/29/24)

  • FBI Whistleblower to Other Agents: Evil Will Triumph if Good Men Do Nothing (Marcus Allen, 9/27/24)

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    • Germain Grisez's Brutally Honest Take on Catholic Health Care (Catholic365, 9/23/24)

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