in Pennsylvania's First Congressional District's_1st_congressional_district
and the Central Garden State

Friday, September 9, 2011

HR 1179 & S 1467

As per a 9/7/11 letter to Congress from Daniel Cardinal DiNardo, chairman of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops' Committee on Pro-Life Activities,

  • "While I have written previously to encourage your support for the Respect for Rights of Conscience Act (H.R. 1179, S. 1467), recent events make this request more urgent....[A] new HHS mandate underscores a major deficiency in PPACA [i.e., the Patient Protectiona & Affordable Care Act] – it lacks a conscience clause to prevent the Act itself from being used to suppress the rights and freedoms of those who may have moral or religious objections to specific procedures....I urge you to support and co-sponsor the Respect for Rights of Conscience Act, to help preserve respect in federal law for the freedom to follow the dictates of one’s conscience."

Please see the attached petition, echoing Cardinal DiNardo's request for support and co-sponsorship of the Respect for Rights of Conscience Act.

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