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Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Pope Francis, 6/13/15 Address to the Italian Superior Council of the Judiciary

"Globalization itself...also bears in itself aspects of possible confusion and disorientation, as when it becomes a vehicle to introduce uses, concessions, even norms that are foreign to a social fabric with the consequent deterioration of the cultural roots of reality that instead are respected; and this by the effect of tendencies belonging to other cultures, economically developed but ethically weakened (cf. Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii gaudium, 62). I have spoken so many times of ideological colonizations when I refer to this problem.  In this context of profound shaking of cultural roots, it is important that public authorities, and among these also the jurisdictional, use the space given to them to give stability and render more solid the bases of human coexistence through the recovery of fundamental values.  Christianity has offered these values the true and most adequate foundation: love of God, which is inseparable from love of neighbor (cf. Matthew 22:34-40)....a particular accent is put at this time on the subject of human rights, which constitute the fundamental nucleus of the recognition of the essential dignity of man....Justice is not made in the abstract, but always considering man in his real value, as a being created in the image of God and called to realize, here on earth, that likeness" (Pope Francis, 6/13/15 Address to the Italian Superior Council of the Judiciary).

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