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Saturday, September 26, 2015

Pope Francis' 9/24/15 Address at Vespers in New York

"[I have today two sentiments for my Muslim brothers and sisters. Firstly, my greetings as they celebrate today the Feast of Sacrifice....The second sentiment is my closeness, my closeness due to the tragedy that your people has suffered today in Mecca. In these moments of prayer, I unite myself and we unite ourselves in prayer to God, our Father, all Powerful and Merciful.]

"[Let us listen to the Apostle]: 'There is a cause for rejoicing here', although 'you may for a time have to suffer the distress of many trials' (1 Pet 1:6). These words remind us of something essential. Our vocation is to be lived in joy.

"This beautiful Cathedral of Saint Patrick, built up over many years through the sacrifices of many men and women, can serve as a symbol of the work of generations of American priests and religious, and lay faithful who helped build up the Church in the United States. In the field of education alone, how many priests and religious in this country played a central role, assisting parents in handing on to their children the food that nourishes them for life! Many did so at the cost of extraordinary sacrifice and with heroic charity....

"This evening, my brothers and sisters, I have come to join you in prayer that our vocations will continue to build up the great edifice of God's Kingdom in this country. I know that, as a presbyterate in the midst of God's people, you suffered greatly in the not distant past by having to bear the shame of some of your brothers who harmed and scandalized the Church in the most vulnerable of her members….

"The joy of men and women who love God attracts others to him; priests and religious are called to find and radiate lasting satisfaction in their vocation....

"A grateful heart is spontaneously impelled to serve the Lord and to find expression in a life of commitment to our work....

"we know how easily this spirit of generous self-sacrifice can be dampened. There are a couple of ways that this can happen; both are examples of that 'spiritual worldliness' which weakens our commitment [as women and men consecrated] to serve and diminishes the wonder, [the awe], of our first encounter with Christ.

"We can get caught up measuring the value of our apostolic works by the standards of efficiency, good management and outward success which govern the business world. Not that these things are unimportant! We have been entrusted with a great responsibility, and God's people rightly expect accountability from us. But the true worth of our apostolate is measured by the value it has in God's eyes. To see and evaluate things from God's perspective calls for constant conversion in the first days and years of our vocation and, need I say, great humility. The cross shows us a different way of measuring success. Ours is to plant the seeds: God sees to the fruits of our labors. And if at times our efforts and works seem to fail and produce no fruit, we need to remember that we are followers of Jesus… and his life, humanly speaking, ended in failure, the failure of the cross

"Another danger comes when we become jealous of our free time, when we think that surrounding ourselves with worldly comforts will help us serve better. The problem with this reasoning is that it can blunt the power of God's daily call to conversion, to encounter with him. Slowly but surely, it diminishes our spirit of sacrifice, renunciation and hard work. It also alienates people who suffer material poverty and are forced to make greater sacrifices than ourselves. Rest is needed, as are moments of leisure and self-enrichment, but we need to learn how to rest in a way that deepens our desire to serve with generosity. Closeness to the poor, the refugee, the immigrant, the sick, the exploited, the elderly living alone, prisoners and all God's other poor, will teach us a different way of resting, one which is more Christian and generous.

"Gratitude and hard work: these are two pillars of the spiritual life which I have wanted to share with you this evening. I thank you for prayers and work, and the daily sacrifices you make in the various areas of your apostolate. Many of these are known only to God, but they bear rich fruit for the life of the Church. In a special way I would like to express my esteem and gratitude to the religious women of the United States....

"Dear brothers and sisters, in a few moments we will sing the Magnificat. Let us commend to Our Lady the work we have been entrusted to do; let us join her in thanking God for the great things he has done, and for the great things he will continue to do in us and in those whom we have the privilege to serve. [Amen.]"

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