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Thursday, September 24, 2015

Pope's 9/22/15 Address to Families in Cuba

"....[And here, an image comes to me. During the Wednesday audiences, when I pass by to greet the people, so many women gesture to their belly and tell me, "Father will you bless him or her?" I am going to suggest something: All you women who are pregnant with hope -- because a child is hope -- in this moment, place your hand on your belly. If there are pregnant women here, you do it, and those who are listening through radio or television. And to each of these women, to each boy or girl who is there inside waiting, I give my blessing. So each one, touch your belly, and I give you the blessing, in the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. And I hope that he or she arrives healthy, that he or she grows up well, that you can raise him or her. Give a caress to the child that you are awaiting.]...."

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