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Thursday, October 8, 2015

Say, Hasn't the Church Already Said a Few Things about Marriage/Family/Sexuality?


337. What is the plan of God regarding man and woman?
 “God Who is love and Who created man and woman for love has called them to love. By creating man and woman He called them to an intimate communion of life and of love in marriage: ‘So that they are no longer two, but one flesh’ (Matthew 19:6). God said to them in blessing ‘Be fruitful and multiply’ (Genesis 1:28).”

338. For what ends has God instituted Matrimony?
“The marital union of man and woman, which is founded and endowed with its own proper laws by the Creator, is by its very nature ordered to the communion and good of the couple and to the generation and education of children. According to the original divine plan this conjugal union is indissoluble, as Jesus Christ affirmed: ‘What God has joined together, let no man put asunder’ (Mark 10:9).”

339. How does sin threaten marriage?
“Because of original sin, which caused a rupture in the God-given communion between man and woman, the union of marriage is very often threatened by discord and infidelity. However, God in his infinite mercy gives to man and woman the grace to bring the union of their lives into accord with the original divine plan.”
340. What does the Old Testament teach about marriage?

“God helped his people above all through the teaching of the Law and the Prophets to deepen progressively their understanding of the unity and indissolubility of marriage.  The nuptial covenant of God with Israel prepared for and prefigured the new covenant established by Jesus Christ the Son of God, with his spouse, the Church.”

341. What new element did Christ give to Matrimony?
“Christ not only restored the original order of matrimony but raised it to the dignity of a sacrament, giving spouses a special grace to live out their marriage as a symbol of Christ’s love for his bride the Church: 'Husbands, love your wives as Christ loves the Church' (Ephesians 5:25).”
342. Are all obliged to get married?
“Matrimony is not an obligation for everyone, especially since God calls some men and women to follow the Lord Jesus in a life of virginity or of celibacy for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven. These renounce the great good of Matrimony to concentrate on the things of the Lord and seek to please him. They become a sign of the absolute supremacy of Christ’s love and of the ardent expectation of his glorious return.”
343. How is the sacrament of Matrimony celebrated?
“Since Matrimony establishes spouses in a public state of life in the Church, its liturgical celebration is public, taking place in the presence of a priest (or of a witness authorized by the Church) and other witnesses.”
344. What is matrimonial consent?
“Matrimonial consent is given when a man and a woman manifest the will to give themselves to each other irrevocably in order to live a covenant of faithful and fruitful love. Since consent constitutes Matrimony, it is indispensable and irreplaceable. For a valid marriage the consent must have as its object true Matrimony, and be a human act which is conscious and free and not determined by duress or coercion.”
345. What is required when one of the spouses is not a Catholic?
“A mixed marriage (between a Catholic and a baptized non-Catholic) needs for liceity the permission of ecclesiastical authority.  In a case of disparity of cult (between a Catholic and a non-baptized person) a dispensation is required for validity.  In both cases, it is essential that the spouses do not exclude the acceptance of the essential ends and properties of marriage.  It is also necessary for the Catholic party to accept the obligation, of which the non-Catholic party has been advised, to persevere in the faith and to assure the baptism and Catholic education of their children.”
346. What are the effects of the sacrament of Matrimony?
“The sacrament of Matrimony establishes a perpetual and exclusive bond between the spouses.  God himself seals the consent of the spouses. Therefore, a marriage which is ratified and consummated between baptized persons can never be dissolved.  Furthermore, this sacrament bestows upon the spouses the grace necessary to attain holiness in their married life and to accept responsibly the gift of children and provide for their education.”
347. What sins are gravely opposed to the sacrament of Matrimony?
 “Adultery and polygamy are opposed to the sacrament of matrimony because they contradict the equal dignity of man and woman and the unity and exclusivity of married love.  Other sins include the deliberate refusal of one’s procreative potential which deprives conjugal love of the gift of children and divorce which goes against the indissolubility of marriage.”
348. When does the Church allow the physical separation of spouses?
 “The Church permits the physical separation of spouses when for serious reasons their living together becomes practically impossible, even though there may be hope for their reconciliation.  As long as one’s spouse lives, however, one is not free to contract a new union, except if the marriage be null and be declared so by ecclesiastical authority.”
349. What is the attitude of the Church toward those people who are divorced then remarried?
 “The Church, since she is faithful to her Lord, cannot recognize the union of people who are civilly divorced and remarried. ‘Whoever divorces his wife and marries another, commits adultery against her; and if she divorces her husband and marries another, she commits adultery’ (Mark 10:11-12).  The Church manifests an attentive solicitude toward such people and encourages them to a life of faith, prayer, works of charity and the Christian education of their children.  However, they cannot receive sacramental absolution, take Holy Communion, or exercise certain ecclesial responsibilities as long as their situation, which objectively contravenes God's law, persists.”
350. Why is the Christian family called a domestic church?
 “The Christian family is called the domestic church because the family manifests and lives out the communal and familial nature of the Church as the family of God.  Each family member, in accord with their own role, exercises the baptismal priesthood and contributes toward making the family a community of grace and of prayer, a school of human and Christian virtue and the place where the faith is first proclaimed to children.”


455. What does the fourth commandment require?
"It commands us to honor and respect our parents and those whom God, for our good, has vested with His authority."
456. What is the nature of the family in the plan of God?
"A man and a woman united in marriage form a family together with their children. God instituted the family and endowed it with its fundamental constitution. Marriage and the family are ordered to the good of the spouses and to the procreation and education of children. Members of the same family establish among themselves personal relationships and primary responsibilities. In Christ the family becomes the domestic church because it is a community of faith, of hope, and of charity."
457. What place does the family occupy in society?
"The family is the original cell of human society and is, therefore, prior to any recognition by public authority. Family values and principles constitute the foundation of social life. Family life is an initiation into the life of society."
458. What are the duties that society has toward the family?
"Society, while respecting the principle of subsidiarity, has the duty to support and strengthen marriage and the family. Public authority must respect, protect and foster the true nature of marriage and the family, public morality, the rights of parents, and domestic prosperity."
459. What are the duties of children toward their parents?

"Children owe respect (filial piety), gratitude, docility and obedience to their parents. In paying them respect and in fostering good relationships with their brothers and sisters, children contribute to the growth in harmony and holiness in family life in general. Adult children should give their parents material and moral support whenever they find themselves in situations of distress, sickness, loneliness, or old age."
460. What are the duties of parents toward their children?
"Parents, in virtue of their participation in the fatherhood of God, have the first responsibility for the education of their children and they are the first heralds of the faith for them. They have the duty to love and respect their children as persons and as children of God and to provide, as far as is possible, for their physical and spiritual needs. They should select for them a suitable school and help them with prudent counsel in the choice of their profession and their state of life. In particular they have the mission of educating their children in the Christian faith."
461. How are parents to educate their children in the Christian faith?
"Parents do this mainly by example, prayer, family catechesis and participation in the life of the Church."
462. Are family bonds an absolute good?
"Family ties are important but not absolute, because the first vocation of a Christian is to follow Jesus and love Him: 'He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me; whoever loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me” (Matthew 10:37). Parents must support with joy their children's choice to follow Jesus in whatever state of life, even in the consecrated life or the priestly ministry."
463. How should authority be exercised in the various spheres of civil society?
"Authority should always be exercised as a service, respecting fundamental human rights, a just hierarchy of values, laws, distributive justice, and the principle of subsidiarity. All those who exercise authority should seek the interests of the community before their own interest and allow their decisions to be inspired by the truth about God, about man and about the world. "
464. What are the duties of citizens in regard to civil authorities?
"Those subject to authority should regard those in authority as representatives of God and offer their loyal collaboration for the right functioning of public and social life. This collaboration includes love and service of one's homeland, the right and duty to vote, payment of taxes, the defense of one's country, and the right to exercise constructive criticism."
465. When is a citizen forbidden to obey civil authorities?
"A citizen is obliged in conscience not to obey the laws of civil authorities when they are contrary to the demands of the moral order: 'We must obey God rather than men' (Acts of the Apostles 5:29)."



  After the so-called "Sexual Revolution" of the 1960s, indications are that 
  • men and women became more likely to engage in sexual intercourse, outside of marriage;
  • people became less likely to marry, but far more likely to "live together" and far more likely to divorce;
  • abortion rates and out of wedlock births skyrocketed;
  • children became far less likely to live with their biological moms and dads.  

There are nearly 50 times more new STD infections each year, than there were overall STD infections in 1963:
  • As per the Centers for Disease Control, 404,405 cases of STDs were reported by state health departments in 1963 (
  • In 2013, the Centers for Disease Control estimates that there are "nearly 20 million new sexually transmitted disease (STD) infections occurring each year, almost half of them among young people ages 15 to 24" ( 

494. What is the responsibility of civil authority in regard to chastity?
"Insofar as it is bound to promote respect for the dignity of the person, civil authority should seek to create an environment conducive to the practice of chastity. It should also enact suitable legislation to prevent the spread of the grave offenses against chastity mentioned above, especially in order to protect minors and those who are the weakest members of society."

495. What are the goods of conjugal love to which sexuality is ordered? 
The goods of conjugal love, which for those who are baptized is sanctified by the sacrament of Matrimony are
indissolubility and
an openness to the procreation of life.”
496. What is the meaning of the conjugal act?
"The conjugal act has a twofold meaning: unitive (the mutual self-giving of the spouses) and procreative (an openness to the transmission of life). No one may break the inseparable connection which God has established between these two meanings of the conjugal act by excluding one or the other of them." 

497. When is it moral to regulate births?
498. What are immoral means of birth control? 
Every action – for example, direct sterilization or contraception – is intrinsically immoral which (either in anticipation of the conjugal act, in its accomplishment or in the development of its natural consequences) proposes, as an end or as a means, to hinder procreation.”
499. Why are artificial insemination and artificial fertilization immoral?
"They are immoral because they dissociate procreation from the act with which the spouses give themselves to each other and so introduce the domination of technology over the origin and destiny of the human person. Furthermore, heterologous insemination and fertilization with the use of techniques that involve a person other than the married couple infringe upon the right of a child to be born of a father and mother known to him, bound to each other by marriage and having the exclusive right to become parents only through each another."
501. What can spouses do when they do not have chi...
"Should the gift of a child not be given to them, after exhausting all legitimate medical options, spouses can show their generosity by way of foster care or adoption or by performing meaningful services for others. In this way they realize a precious spiritual fruitfulness."
502. What are the offenses against the dignity of marriage?
"These are: adultery, divorce, polygamy, incest, free unions (cohabitation, concubinage), and sexual acts before or outside of marriage."

527. What is required by the ninth commandment?
528. What is forbidden by the ninth commandment?
529. How does one reach purity of heart?
"In the battle against disordered desires the baptised person is able, by the grace of God, to achieve purity of heart through the virtue and gift of chastity, through purity of intention, purity of vision (both exterior and interior), discipline of the imagination and of feelings and by prayer."
530. What are the other requirements for purity?
"Purity requires modesty which, while protecting the intimate center of the person, expresses the sensitivity of chastity. It guides how one looks at others and behaves toward them in conformity with the dignity of persons and their communion. Purity frees one from wide-spread eroticism and avoids those things which foster morbid curiosity. Purity also requires a purification of the social climate by means of a constant struggle against moral permissiveness which is founded on an erroneous conception of human freedom."

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