in Pennsylvania's First Congressional District's_1st_congressional_district
and the Central Garden State

Saturday, February 10, 2018

2/71/11: 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time, World Marriage Day, and World Day of the Sick
"Today, Congress passed a massive pork barrel budget that includes over half a billion dollars directed to Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider....For a Republican majority in the House and Senate [to] include tax dollars for Planned Parenthood is counter-purposes to establishing a true pro-life majority that can protect pre-born babies from the barbarity of abortion" (Operation Rescue, 2/9/18)

"President Trump signed a bipartisan budget agreement Friday morning....The Senate passed the measure 71-28 [See] ....The House ultimately passed the measure on a bipartisan 240-186 vote [See]" (NPR, 2/9/18).

On the right side of the home page is a link to email the White House and the Pa Delegation on selected federal matters (1/27/18 update), as well as a link to email Bucks County's Delegation in Harrisburg on selected state matters (1/27/18 update). 

STOP Pro-Abortion "Internships" at Catholic Campus. Protest Now (TFP Student Action).
"There are two principles we need to remember.  First, we need to treat all people with the respect and pastoral concern they deserve as children of God with inherent dignity.  This emphatically includes persons with same-sex attraction.  Second, there is no truth, no real mercy, and no authentic compassion, in blessing a course of action that leads persons away from God.  This in no way is a rejection of the persons seeking such a blessing, but rather a refusal to ignore what we know to be true about the nature of marriage, the family, and the dignity of human sexuality....
Jesus said the truth will make us free.  Nowhere did he suggest it will make us comfortable.  We still need to hear the truth clearly—and share it, clearly, always with love.  Creating confusion around important truths of our faith, no matter how positive the intention, only makes a difficult task more difficult" (Archbishop Chaput, 2/6/18).

  2/11/18, Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time 
(Signed homily: Father Depcik mistakenly notes leprosy to have been eradicated.)
  • A scorecard and an alternative for Pa's 8th Congressional District (1/25/18)
  • What’s up with Greenleaf, McIlhinney, Petri, and Watson? (1/23/18)
    In the post, Perry Warren is misidentified as a Republican

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