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Thursday, July 23, 2020

"At some point we have to break out of the huddle and run the play. God will be with us."

17th Sunday in Ordinary Time

    • "My pastoral concern is that we as a nation and as a Church have succumbed to excessive fear, which bespeaks a spiritual problem. The medical concerns arising from the pandemic are not without merit, but they are not unprecedented. What is unique today is the collective paralysis brought on by this fear. I write to express my concern and to reiterate the constant biblical cry, 'Do not be afraid!'....

      "Satan wants us to fear and even detest one another. Our communion with one another is devasted by this extreme wariness....

      "In the current pandemic, which is admittedly severe, we have quarantined the healthy along with the sick, the resilient along with the vulnerable. Crippling fear has seized so many people, and at some point, fear begins to feed on itself. We have shut down our economy, depriving many of their livelihoods and of the dignity that comes from working, from using their talents and from providing for their families.

      "In the Church, collectively speaking, we too have cowered and capitulated. We have not summoned people to trust and faith. We have hidden our teachings on the role of suffering in bringing forth holiness and future glory. We have not presented the theology of death and dying at a time when it is so needed.

      "We have limited and even denied the sacraments to the faithful, conveying the silent message that physical health is more important than spiritual health. In some dioceses, churches were locked, confessions forbidden, and Holy Communion inaccessible....

      "This situation is unprecedented in our lifetime, so it is understandable that we struggled at first with what to do prudentially. But now we must reflect on all that has happened and resolve to never again allow a governor or mayor dictate whether, when or how we may give the sacraments. Even if government officials can forbid large gatherings, it does not follow that the sacraments cannot be provided at all, via other means....

      "What is our end game? Prudence has its place, but my concern as a pastor and physician of souls is that we are allowing unrelenting fear to drive our response. Until we as the Church confronting the situation and 'man up' as Christians should, fear will masquerade as prudence....

      "For the time being, follow the recommended precautions, but ask yourself, 'When will this end, and who will get to decide that?'....

      "At some point we have to break out of the huddle and run the play. God will be with us" (Msgr Charles Pope. 7/18/2020).
  • US Makes $1.95 Billion Deal for 100 Million Doses of Pfizer's COVID-19 Vaccine (NewsMax, 7/22/2020
    • The above appears to be good news.  As per a 7/22/2020 communication from Children of God for Life, "The list of Covid-19 vaccines in development that are morally produced or use aborted fetal cell lines is on our website here:"  
    • Continue to Demand a COVID-19 Vaccine Free from Abortion (USCCB; Human Life ActionHHS Secretary Alex M. Azar II can be reached at or 202 690 7000.)
  • Genocide in Nigeria
  • Two Lower Bucks Catholic h.s. alumni vie for the same seat in Congress.... (7/7/2020)

Demand a COVID-19 Vaccine Free from Abortion (USCCB; Human Life Action
HHS Secretary Alex M. Azar II can be reached at or 

Petition on Hormonal Contraceptives: Effects of Hormonal Birth Control (Human Life International, 4/21/20)

"Send your email thanking President Donald Trump for restoring the due process of law for all students, specifically those who are falsely accused" (AFA).

  • Protect the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (USCCB)
  • Support the Child Welfare Provider Inclusion Act (USCCB
  • Support the Born Alive Survivors' Protection Act (Human Life Action)
  • Support S. 2590/HR 4934 The Dignity for Aborted Children Act (Human Life Action)
  • Support S. 874, the Dream Act of 2019 (USCCB Justice for Immigrants)  
  • Protect DACA recipients (USCCB Justice for Immigrants)
  • Concern for vulnerable people in COVID-19 Relief (USCCB; USCCB Justice for Immigrants)
  • Support "equitable access to K12 federal funds for Catholic schools, direct funding to families for tuition aid and tax breaks for K12 tuition payments" (USCCB
  • Support the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (USCCB)
  • NO to "the Shaheen amendment...[in] the Senate’s State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs (SFOPS) appropriations bill" (Human Life Action). 
  • Oppose HJ Res 79 (USCCB)
  • Oppose the Misnamed Equality Act (Senate Conservatives

(Pa Catholic Conference Legislative Review and Voter Voice)

"308,000,000 estimated deaths [in the U.S.] since Roe V Wade and Doe v Bolton" (

"With these beads, bind my children to your immaculate heart" (St. Louise de Marillac).

Links below are to photos of the modern locations of these events, primarily from a March 2017 pilgrimage to the Holy Land....

Joyful Mysteries

  1. The Annunciation
  2. The Visitation
  3. The Nativity of Our Lord
  4. The Presentation
  5. The Finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple

Luminous Mysteries

  1. The Baptism of the Lord
  2. The Wedding at Cana
  3. The Proclamation of the Kingdom
  4. The Transfiguration
  5. The Institution of the Eucharist

Sorrowful Mysteries

  1. The Agony in the Garden
  2. The Scourging at the Pillar
  3. The Crowning with Thorns
  4. The Carrying of the Cross
  5. The Crucifixion and Death of Our Lord

Glorious Mysteries

  1. The Resurrection
  2. The Ascension
  3. The Descent of the Holy Spirit
  4. The Assumption
  5. The Crowning of Mary as Queen of Heaven

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