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Tuesday, August 4, 2020

"Truly, You are the Son of God" (8/9/2020).

(Click the painting to read about this work by Rembrandt.)   

"Peter got out of the boat and began to walk on the water toward Jesus. But when he saw how strong the wind was he became frightened; and, beginning to sink, he cried out, 'Lord, save me!' Immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and caught Peter, and said to him, 'O you of little faith, why did you doubt?' After they got into the boat, the wind died down.  Those who were in the boat did Him homage, saying, 'Truly, You are the Son of God.'"

(8/9/2020; signed homily)

  • In "The Hideous Truths Of Testing Vaccines On Humans," Forbes Magazine (6/12/2020) revisits hideous human experimentation that took place - NOT in Nazi Germany - but in Staten Island up to the 1970s!  The article goes on to caution us about human experimentation, re: COVID 19.

    As a young NYC TV reporter, Geraldo Rivera exposed other horrific treatment of human beings with disabilities at that same "Willowbrook" facility in Staten Island.  With John Lennon in the 1970s, Geraldo went on to help make it cool to be an advocate for people with disabilities.  While we may look back aghast at the era that preceded Geraldo and John, our society now destroys countless numbers of people with disabilities before birth!  We need to embrace the sanctity of each and every human life!
  • August 6th and 9th respectively are the 75th anniversaries "of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. In those two blasts and their atomic afterglow over 200,000 Japanese died. The devastation in both cases was overwhelming.... Japan unconditionally surrendered within a week.... These bombing raids were part of a strategy of demoralization in which military facilities and armament production were not the main targets. By deliberately attacking civilian populations the Allies hoped to teach their enemies a lesson and bring them to their knees. Some few Catholic scholars, notably Elizabeth Anscombe and Fr. John Ford, S.J. [link added] argued at the time that the Allied approach was immoral.... if Anscombe’s and Ford’s premise about intentional killing of the innocent is correct, then the conclusion is inescapable: these Allied actions constituted murder on a vast scale, running to hundreds of thousands of lives" (Public Discourse, 8/3/2010)

  • Marriage and Religion: The Robust Seeds of the New Civilization and Its Undergirding Economy (Marriage and Religion Research Institute, 8/2/2020
    • "At the end of the last collapse of a great civilization, the fall of Rome, Augustine and Benedict appeared, giving cogence and structure to the long trek back to the new coherent civilization of the 1100’s. There is a high likelihood that the new intellectual shoots will come, not from among the celibate but from among the happily married.... by necessity, the expert practitioners will definitely be the married and the field to be won --- in intellect, mindset, heart and existential existence --- is definitely the marriage bed, not the monastic cell or the altar – though these both are central (one more than the other). Eventually, the intact married family that worships God weekly, will be the acknowledged core of the new civilization and those nations allied to build it and the international order it can sustain."

  • Texas State Health Department Corrects Death Toll After Mistakenly Attributing 225 Deaths to COVID-19 (Epoch Times, 8/2/2020)
  • Two Lower Bucks Catholic h.s. alumni vie for the same seat in Congress.... (7/7/2020)
    • The Pre-eminent Moral Mandate: The Right to Life (Bishop Strickland, 5/7/2020)
    • "marriage between one man and one woman, intended for life, and the family founded upon it, has been inscribed by the Divine Architect into the order of the universe.... children have a right to a mother and a father.... To live a faithful marriage is now countercultural.... The notion that we can choose our sexual identification as male or female is but one more manifestation of the rebellion that started in the garden with Adam and Eve when they turned away from God’s loving plan.... We are living in a new missionary age.... We should Vote for Candidates who Respect and Protect Marriage and the Family" (Bishop Strickland, 6/5/2020)
Demand a COVID-19 Vaccine Free from Abortion (USCCB; Human Life Action
HHS Secretary Alex M. Azar II can be reached at or 

Petition on Hormonal Contraceptives: Effects of Hormonal Birth Control
(Human Life International, 4/21/20)

"Send your email thanking President Donald Trump for restoring the due process of law for all students, specifically those who are falsely accused" (AFA).

  • Protect the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (USCCB)
  • Support the Child Welfare Provider Inclusion Act (USCCB
  • Support the Born Alive Survivors' Protection Act (Human Life Action)
  • Support S. 2590/HR 4934 The Dignity for Aborted Children Act (Human Life Action)
  • Support S. 874, the Dream Act of 2019 (USCCB Justice for Immigrants)  
  • Protect DACA recipients (USCCB Justice for Immigrants)
  • Concern for vulnerable people in COVID-19 Relief (USCCB; USCCB Justice for Immigrants)
  • Support "equitable access to K12 federal funds for Catholic schools, direct funding to families for tuition aid and tax breaks for K12 tuition payments" (USCCB
  • Support the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (USCCB)
  • NO to "the Shaheen amendment...[in] the Senate’s State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs (SFOPS) appropriations bill" (Human Life Action). 
  • Oppose HJ Res 79 (USCCB)
  • Oppose the Misnamed Equality Act (Senate Conservatives

(Pa Catholic Conference Legislative Review and Voter Voice)

"308,000,000 estimated deaths [in the U.S.] since Roe V Wade and Doe v Bolton" (

"With these beads, bind my children to your immaculate heart" (St. Louise de Marillac).

Links below are to photos of the modern locations of these events, primarily from a March 2017 pilgrimage to the Holy Land....

Joyful Mysteries

  1. The Annunciation
  2. The Visitation
  3. The Nativity of Our Lord
  4. The Presentation
  5. The Finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple

Luminous Mysteries

  1. The Baptism of the Lord
  2. The Wedding at Cana
  3. The Proclamation of the Kingdom
  4. The Transfiguration
  5. The Institution of the Eucharist

Sorrowful Mysteries

  1. The Agony in the Garden
  2. The Scourging at the Pillar
  3. The Crowning with Thorns
  4. The Carrying of the Cross
  5. The Crucifixion and Death of Our Lord

Glorious Mysteries

  1. The Resurrection
  2. The Ascension
  3. The Descent of the Holy Spirit
  4. The Assumption
  5. The Crowning of Mary as Queen of Heaven

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