in Pennsylvania's First Congressional District's_1st_congressional_district
and the Central Garden State

Thursday, September 5, 2013

"Matthew 19" - indeed!

While defending traditional marriage outside the Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court yesterday, Pastor William Devlin was heckled by Rev. Stephanie Carter, who insisted that marriage is "only a contract" (cf., Natasha Lindstrom, BC Courier Times, 9/5/13). Left unreported was Carter repeatedly yelling that Devlin should check Matthew 19. It would hardly seem possible for Carter to have picked a more appropriate scriptural defense of traditional marriage than Matthew 19!

Also strikingly odd was an interruption of Mike McMonagle by Bolton Winpenny, who insisted that "my [same sex] marriage should not prevent any child from having a mom and dad" (cf., Natasha Lindstrom, 9/5/13). While seemingly acknowledging a child's rights to a mom and dad, Winpenny would turn marriage/family law on its head and negate those rights. Winpemny is certainly not alone in ignoring that marriage/family law has everything to do with child welfare!

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