in Pennsylvania's First Congressional District's_1st_congressional_district
and the Central Garden State

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

A few items which may have been missed on the evening news....

  • "Encouraging procreation in stable households headed by a mother and father is not only a rational governmental decision, but serves an interest of the highest order. No institution other than marriage joins a man and a woman together in a permanent and exclusive way and unites them to any children born of their union. No other institution ensures that children will have the opportunity to be raised by both a mother and father. The devaluation and loss of such families as the primary environment for raising children is a significant societal ill. Laws that strongly encourage and promote the union of one man and one woman in marriage are an important part of the remedy for this national problem. It would be a grave disservice to the Nation, and a serious misreading of the Constitution, to strike down such laws" (USCCB to the Supreme Court, 4/2/15).
  •  "If more people were aware of the dark and troubled history of sex-reassignment surgery, perhaps we wouldn’t be so quick to push people toward it" (Public Discourse, 4/27/15)
  • "'It’s certainly going to be an issue,' Solicitor General Donald Verrilli replied when Justice Samuel Alito asked if schools that support the traditional definition of marriage would have to be treated like schools that once opposed interracial marriage. 'I don’t deny that'" (National Review, 4/28/15)
  • "Justice Antonin Scalia repeatedly noted that if the High Court finds same-sex 'marriage' is a constitutional right, then priests, ministers, rabbis, and imams will be required to perform such ceremonies – regardless of their religious beliefs – or face state penalties" (, 4/29/15)
  • "While the battle rages over assisted suicide, many forget that in 1990, the United States Supreme Court allowed involuntary euthanasia by dehydration and starvation. First, by declaring artificially-administered food and water (ANH) as a form of 'life support' and then, granting third parties the ability to remove ANH (feeding tubes) from persons with disabilities, it became effectively legal to deny a human being food and water against their will in the United States....Anyone requiring only a feeding tube is not brain dead, but often brain injured....Even fully-conscious people may require tube feeding" (Dr Jacqueline C. Harvey).

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