in Pennsylvania's First Congressional District's_1st_congressional_district
and the Central Garden State

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

"'permission, thank you, pardon' ... all together! 'Permission, thank you, pardon.'"

"Today’s catechesis is like an entrance door to a series of reflections on the life of the family, its real life, with its times and its circumstances. Written above this entrance door are three words, which I have already used several times. And these words are: may I, thank you, pardon. In fact, these words open the way to live well in the family. They are simple words, but not so simple to put into practice. They enclose a great strength: the strength to take care of the home, including through thousands of difficulties and trials. However, its absence opens cracks that can even make it collapse....

"These three key-words of the family are simple words, and perhaps initially they make us smile. However, when we forget them, there’s nothing to laugh about, no? Perhaps our education neglects them too much. May the Lord help us to put them back in the exact place, in our heart, in our home, and also in our civil co-existence. And now I invite all to repeat these three words together: 'permission, thank you, pardon' ... all together! 'Permission, thank you, pardon.' They are three words to enter really in the love of the family, so that the family will be well. Now repeat all together the advice I have given: never end the day without making peace. Everyone. 'Never end the day without making peace.' Thank you....
 'permission, thank you, pardon' ... all together!
"A special thought goes to young people, the sick and newlyweds. Today is the Liturgical Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Fatima. Dear young people, learn to cultivate devotion to the Mother of God, with the daily recitation of the Rosary; dear sick, feel Mary present in the hour of the cross and you, dear newlyweds, pray to her so that mutual love and respect is not lacking in your home" (Pope Francis, General Audience, 5/13/15).

As per the USCCB*, the Pa Catholic Conference, and/or the Archdiocese,  

As per the Pa Catholic Conference and/or the Archdiocese,
  • Support "Supportive, Comprehensive End of Life Care" [i.e., Oppose "doctor-prescribed suicide." While the battle rages over assisted suicide, many forget that in 1990, the United States Supreme Court allowed euthanasia  by dehydration and starvation. First, by declaring artificially-administered food and water (ANH) as a form of 'life support' and then, granting third parties the ability to remove ANH (feeding tubes) from persons with disabilities, it became effectively legal to deny a human being food and water against their will in the
    United States....Anyone requiring only a feeding tube is not brain dead, but often brain injured....Even fully-conscious people may require tube feeding" (Dr. Jacqueline C. Harvey)]
  • Oppose the nomination of Pedro Cortes: "Please call and email your state Senators with this message, 'I urge you to vote against the appointment of Pedro Cortes to serve as Pennsylvania Secretary of State. He failed to stop abortionist Kermit Gosnell by failing to shut down his dangerous abortion operation.'" 
"Two years ago on May 13, Philadelphia abortionist Kermit Gosnell was convicted of murdering newborns at his house of horrors clinic, and the state honcho who could have stopped Gosnell, but didn’t, is set to get his old job back under Gov. Tom Wolf....You might think Cortes would re-evaluate his skill set and consider another line of work, given his department’s epic failure to revoke the license of the most notorious doctor since Josef Mengele.  Think again" (J.D. Mullane, Courier Times and Intelligencer, 5/17/15

Please also note the Pennsylvania Family Institute's link:

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