It's been a tough week, for those trying fervently to hold fast to the inestimable dignity of each human life and the sanctity of marriage/family. Yet like the old song said, we were never promised a Rose Garden!
"On June 21, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
declared, contrary to the plain meaning of current federal law, that the
California Department of Managed Health Care can continue to force all
health plans under its jurisdiction to cover elective abortions. The
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) is calling for an immediate
federal legislative remedy....[In the words of Cardinal Dolan and Archbishop Lori:]'....we urge Congress to pass the Conscience
Protection Act (H.R. 4828, S. 2927) and stop further discrimination
against people of faith and against all who respect unborn human life" (USCCB, 6/22/16). "This federal ruling—so disastrous, so unjust, but so sadly
predictable—was issued just as the US bishops began their annual
Fortnight for Freedom" (Catholic Culture, 6/24/16).
As per Archbishop Timothy Broglio at the June 25th March for Marriage, "In the first place, we invoke the grace of consolation on those who mourn their loved ones brutally murdered in Orlando. Look with mercy on those who have died. Heal the wounded. And raise up those whose lives have been shaken by this tragedy. Teach us always and everywhere to respect the precious gift of life from conception till natural death." The following day, this question was posed to the Holy Father: "In the days following the shooting in Orlando, many have
said that the Christian community had something to do with this hate
toward these people. What do you think?" Though it has been misconstrued, he responded to this insinuation of hate mongering in Christian teaching: "I will
repeat what I said on my first trip. I repeat what the Catechism of the
Catholic Church says: that they must not be discriminated against, that
they must be respected and accompanied pastorally." Similarly, insinuations of bigotry in no way match the witness of those at the March(cf,Hundreds join first March for Marriage since Supreme Court same-sex ‘marriage’ ruling).
As per the June 27Supreme Court decision: "'The Court has
rejected a common-sense law protecting women from abortion facilities
that put profits above patient safety'....'This ruling contradicts the consensus
among medical groups that such measures protect women's lives" (USCCB, 6/27/16). We must NEVER forget that "Fighting
to regulate the killing can NEVER replace the fundamental battle to
recognize every preborn human being as a unique PERSON from the moment
of his biological beginning" (American Life League, 6/27/16).
Legislative advocacy from the USCCB and its partner
Click to Email Pa's Congressional Delegation, asking for Co-Sponsorship/Support of FADA and all legislation backed by the USCCB and/or the National Committee for a Human Life Amendment.
Advocacy in Harrisburg on pro life and pro marriage/family legislation (YES to HB 1623, HB 1948 / SB 888; NO to Planned Parenthood, repealing Act 122 of 2011, repealing Act 13 of 2013, HB 1336, HB 1510 / SB 974 /SB 1306 / SB1307 / SB 1316, HB 1947, HB 162, and doctor prescribed suicide.)
As per the Pa Catholic Conference:
"Dismemberment abortions are dangerous for the mother and barbarically
lethal for the baby....Please represent me by voting yes on House Bill
1948" [Senate Bill 888] (As per Pa Pro Life, we should contact these members of the PA Senate Judiciary Committee, to urge votes for HB 1948:
As per Pa Pro Life: On the heels of...[the] U.S. Supreme Court
ruling striking down provisions of a Texas abortion law, lawmakers in
the PA House and Senate are planning to introduce legislation that would
repeal our common sense law regulating abortion centers and requiring
them to undergo regular, unannounced inspections. Please call your representative in the PA state House and your state Senator in the PA Senate and urge them NOT to co-sponsor the repeal of the Ambulatory Surgical Facility Requirements for Abortion Facilities act (Act 122 of 2011). The
Supreme Court ruling only applies to the Texas law. Our PA law differs
from the Texas law; therefore, our PA law should not be repealed. Our PA
law also grew out of the Kermit Gosnell tragedy, in which full-term
babies were killed and one female patient died in an abortion facility
described by prosecutors as a 'House of Horrors.'"
As per Pa Pro Life: "A Pennsylvania state representative is planning to introduce a bill
that would threaten your tax dollars. Representative Steven Santarsiero
(D-Bucks County) is circulating a co-sponsorship memo for a bill that
would repeal Act 13 of 2013....Act 13 is the common sense law that ensures that
no taxpayer funding of abortion will occur in the health insurance
exchange created in Pennsylvania under Obamacare. We must safeguard this
important law!"
Pa Pro Life encourages us to OPPOSE HB 1336, as it would take away our right to vote for judges.
As per the Pa Catholic Conference
on the misleadingly named Fairness Act, we should be "quite concerned
that HB 1510 / SB 974 will run afoul of religious freedom and expose
even discrimination." "Well-funded out of state special
interest groups and powerful lobbyists continue to push, and the latest move is to split SB 974 into parts to force it through in a piecemeal basis....tell them to vote no on SB 1306, SB1307 and SB 1316" (
As per the Pa Catholic Conference, "a legislative remedy must protect all children, not simply penalize some institutions" (i.e., NO to HB 1947).
Click to Email the governor, as well as all of Bucks County's representatives and senators in Harrisburg, on pro life and pro marriage / family concerns.
"all those who believe in the sanctity of life, regardless of whether they support or oppose the theoretical validity of brain-death criteria, [should] oppose the use of brain-death criteria to obtain organs for transplantation in clinical practice. We can then, as a single voice, support medical research seeking innovative, morally uncontentious ways to replace failing organs" (National Catholic Register, 10/25/21)
"It is everyone’s hope that rape victims, whether pregnant or not, receive the most compassionate and effective care available. Unfortunately, using Plan B and continuing to cite the faulty Peoria Protocol, based upon what we now know, is simply an immoral compromise—with the unintended consequence of the loss of human life and the abandonment of truly loving and courageous Christian health care" (Dr. Chris Kahlenborn, 4/8/19)
Certain other "contraceptives" can act as abortifacients! For example, it has long been known that other hormonal "contraceptives" can cause early abortions and are deadly dangerous (e.g., 1, 2) and just about every pharmacy (including those in supermarkets and department stores!) provides such. No parish should be allowing advertisements from providers of abortifacients! Please speak with your pastor, to ensure that your parish - be it in a bulletin or a directory - does not have such ads.
Especially with Central Jersey and the Philly suburbs so much being a worldwide capitol for the pharmaceutical industry,
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