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and the Central Garden State

Monday, August 15, 2016

Cherishing Life - Pastoral Letter Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Bishops of Malta)

In the below excerpt, the bishops of Malta speak with a clarity, re: so-called "emergency contraception" which seems to be missing from the USCCB.  So-called "rape protocols" in our own "Catholic" hospitals allow for the use - in certain situations - of "medicinal products" which are potentially abortifacient....

"....The effect of certain pills in certain circumstances can be abortifacient. A person who is seriously living according to his or her Christian beliefs has the moral obligation to inform herself fully about all the effects of these medicinal products in order to take responsible decisions in favour of life.

"In case of scientific doubt on how these medicinal products work, the decision must always be in favour of the protection of life. The conscience of health-care professionals, who have objections to prescribe or to sell these medicinal products because of scientific doubts about their effects, must be respected...."

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