in Pennsylvania's First Congressional District's_1st_congressional_district
and the Central Garden State

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Hiroshima (8/6/1945), Nagasaki (8/9/1945), and John C. Ford, SJ

"From 1937–45 [John C.] Ford [S.J.] was Professor of Moral Theology at his alma mater, Weston College ....In 1944 he published a forty-nine page article cogently arguing that the rights of the innocent were being violated by the obliteration bombing which the United States and the United Kingdom were even then conducting. In 1945, having mentioned in 'Notes on Moral Theology' the atrocities committed by the Soviets, Nazis, and Japanese, Ford spoke bluntly of 'the greatest and most extensive single atrocity in the history of all this period, our atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki'" (

Throughout his life, Father Ford evidenced the great courage of his convictions, to speak truth which was wildly unpopular:
  • "the history of the way in which the Church has proposed the teaching on contraception clearly shows that the criteria for infallibility have been met" (John Ford, SJ and German Grisez, 1978)

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