in Pennsylvania's First Congressional District's_1st_congressional_district
and the Central Garden State

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Assault on religious liberties by any other name....

"Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out--Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me--and there was no one left to speak for me
(Martin Niemoller)
    • Why are Catholic hospitals still allowing emergency “contraceptives”? (Catholic Answers Live, 11/23/2020)
        Dr Delgado and Mr Cy Kellett,

      While I am confident that you know of the work of such magnificent pro life physicians as Dr Chris Kahlenborn, I found the bulk of your response to be evasive.  You seemed to be obfuscating and NOT clearly acknowledging the scandalous gravity of what the USCCB and the NCBC are allowing to happen under their watch. 

      Citing ERDs #36, the USCCB and the NCBC are allowing Catholic hospitals to dispense a likely abortifacient to females identifying themselves as victims of sexual assault.

      How can "pro life" ethicists downplay this?  As someone said in the 1960s, "If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem."
    • A reminder - from a very surprising source - that destructive notions simply cannot last:
        "The first order of business is to counsel you to not get discouraged thinking it’s going to take a jackhammer to destroy the concrete slab they have planned for you. It won’t. Enough weeds and the passage of time will do the trick. Look up some urban exploration videos—mother nature reclaims even the greatest of man’s edifices any time she is given time and opportunity. The battle lines are clearly drawn. On their side are the progressive jerks of Silicon Valley, the entertainment industry, practically every professor and every administrator at every university, the majority of Fortune 500 and many other businesses in America and loads of enemies—both foreign and domestic—who want a weakened West. On our side, there are some supporting players like Chick-fil-A and some Christian-owned bakeries, along with a few politicians. But the primary forces of good are pretty much down to you and me" (Milo Yiannopoulos, 2020).

     Saint Francis Xavier and "Silence," December 3

    Feast of Saint Andrew, Apostle, November( 30

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