in Pennsylvania's First Congressional District's_1st_congressional_district
and the Central Garden State

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Why isn't info on Pa Catholic Conference and USCCB alerts readily available in every parish bulletin and on every parish website?

Why isn't info on Pa Catholic Conference and USCCB alerts readily available in every parish bulletin and on every parish website?

  • In addition, "Three chairmen of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) gave their strong support for the Child Welfare Provider Inclusion Act of 2014....the chairmen noted that 'the Act would prohibit federal and state officials in the administration of federally funded child welfare services from excluding child welfare providers simply because of the providers’ religious beliefs or moral convictions'....The chairmen encouraged the colleagues of Rep. Kelly and Sen. Enzi to join as cosponsors of the Inclusion Act" (USCCB, 7/31/14).  You can click here to ask your U.S. representative and senators to co-sponsor.
  • On a federal level, it should be noted that there are concerns about the United Nations' so-called Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) treaty: "Several pro-life groups are on record opposing the treaty, including Eagle Forum, Family Research Council Action, CitizenLink, Concerned Women for America, Liberty Counsel, and others....The inclusion of the phrase 'reproductive health' affords an opportunity for abortion advocates to interpret the terms as a euphemism for 'abortion rights' and push for nations to legalize abortion based on the treaty....the pro-abortion faction within the UN has used the realm of disability rights to provide cover for an attempt to interject the right to abortion into an international treaty....Americans United for Life urges all pro-life supporters to contact their United States Senators and ask them to oppose the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities" (Catholic News Live). 

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