in Pennsylvania's First Congressional District's_1st_congressional_district
and the Central Garden State

Friday, May 6, 2016

"Growth in virtues and in graces from the sacramental bond can, in fact, lead to a rediscovery of trust and love for one’s spouse" (Dr. Rick Fitzgibbons, 5/5/16)

"The recent 2016 study of suicide risk from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention presents troubling data in regard to the 24% increase in suicides in the United States over the 15-year period between 1999 and 2014.  Of particular concern was the finding of the tripling of the suicide rate for females 10-14.  Unfortunately, the CDC does not have data on what percentage of these girls were children of divorce, were born of single mothers or grew up without fathers because such data are not politically correct in a culture that posits that all family structures are the same.

"Many well-designed research studies have disproven this belief.  For example, research on the children of divorce provide overwhelming evidence to disprove the myth that divorce does not harm children.  In fact, the divorce epidemic has contributed to the serious and growing psychopathology in American youth....

"The million youth per year traumatized by the divorce 'plague' deserve more from all of us, as do those adults who have been its victims.  Numerous factors have contributed to the depression and marked rise of suicide in youth and adults in this culture.  These include the profound loneliness and hopelessness that can develop when a youth does not experience the love of a father and a mother and their love for each other and when an adult lacks spousal love; the epidemic of selfishness/narcissism leading young females and adults to be treated as sexual objects and not as persons; being born into and living in unstable cohabiting unions; the retreat from marriage; a materialistic mentality; the severe epidemic of substance abuse disorders, particularly heroin, and the absence of the Faith which can provide comfort and hope during difficulty emotional and financial crises....

"In response to the serious consequences of divorce, at the very least we can attempt to be more loyal to youth and innocent, as well as confused, spouses and communicate St. John Paul II's clear and luminous thinking about the sacrament of marriage....

"Unfortunately, in our forty years of experience with couples, the majority of those who initiate divorce have never faced their own inner emotional conflicts, especially sadness, that they unconsciously brought into the marriage from their family background or from their selfishness.  We might consider even being bold and asking spouses who have separated or divorced to reconsider their commitment to their marriage and their children.  Growth in virtues and in graces from the sacramental bond can, in fact, lead to a rediscovery of trust and love for one's spouse"

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