"It's been ten months since Sen. Mike Lee and Rep. Raul Labrador
introduced the First Amendment Defense Act (FADA) protecting the right
of Christians and people of faith to live out the truth of marriage in
their daily lives and at work without fear of being punished for doing
so by the federal government. Over two hundred members of Congress have
added their names as co-sponsors of the legislation (S. 1598/HR 2802)
but that's about all they have done [Note: NEITHER Casey NOR Toomey is a co-sponsor or S 1598. Among U.S. representatives from Pennsylvania, NEITHER Brady, NOR Fattah, NOR Costello, NOR Meehan, NOR Fitzpatrick, NOR Shuster, NOR Barletta, NOR Boyle, NOR Doyle, NOR Dent, NOR Cartwright only is even a co-sponsor of HR 2802.]. No hearings have been scheduled and
nothing of substance is happening to actually enact the legislation. It
looks like all talk and no action from a do-nothing Congress. It's time to tell Congress to get off their collective behinds and get to work to pass this critical legislation!" (National Organization for Marriage, 4/19/16)
Click to Email Pa's
Congressional Delegation, asking for Co-Sponsorship/Support of
legislation backed by the U.S.Conference of Catholic Bishops (including the FADA) and/or its
affiliate, the National Committee for a Human Life Amendment.
Click to Email all
of Bucks County's representatives and senators in Harrisburg, asking
for opposition to ANY funding for Planned Parenthood and
co-sponsorship/support of HB 1623 and HB 1948. Ask for opposition to HB
162, HB1510/SB974, HB
1947, and doctor prescribed
To Trump or Not to Trump
"Analysis: Where Trump’s potential Supreme Court nominees stand on life and marriage" (LifeSiteNews, 5/20/16)
"Dear Mr. Trump: If You Want to Make America Great Again, You’ve Got to Start with Marriage"
"....If you want to make America great again, you cannot afford to
ignore the role stable marriage plays in motivating our labor force and
in our nation’s economic growth as a whole...." (Public Discourse, 5/20/16)
"The Problem of Character: Why Conservatives Must Reject Donald Trump"
"....The face that is emerging for the GOP is the ugly face we have
always been accused of having—misogynistic, racist, and gratuitously
authoritarian. If we assent to his nomination, how can we still consider
ourselves the flag bearers of the attempt to harmonize virtue and the
political life?...." (Public Discourse, 5/19/16)
"The guidance issued May 13 by the
U.S. Department of Justice and U.S. Department of Education that treats 'a
student's gender identity as the student's sex' is deeply disturbing....Children, youth, and parents in
these difficult situations deserve compassion, sensitivity, and respect. All of
these can be expressed without infringing on legitimate concerns about privacy
and security on the part of the other young students and parents....We pray that the government make room for more
just and compassionate approaches and policies in this sensitive area, in order
to serve the good of all students and parents, as well as the common good" (USCCB Chairmen Respond to Administration’s New Guidance Letter on Title IX Application", 5/16/16)
freedom abroad has been under serious and sustained assault....From the
plight of new and longstanding prisoners of conscience, to the dramatic
rise in the numbers of refugees and internally displaced persons, to
the continued acts of bigotry against Jews and Muslims in Europe, and to
the other abuses detailed in the 2016 annual report, there was no
shortage of attendant suffering worldwide.... The incarceration of
prisoners of conscience, the increase in the number of refugees, and the
spread of anti-Semitism and anti-Muslim actions across Europe are
crises in their own right which cry out for continued action on the part
of the international community, including the United States.... such
action must recognize the unmistakable fact that religious freedom is a
common thread in each of these challenges, and deserves a seat at the
table when nations discuss humanitarian, security, and other pressing
issues. The United States and other countries must fully accord this
right the respect it deserves and redouble their efforts to defend this
pivotal liberty worldwide" (Robert P. George, Chairman of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, 5/2/16).
"We Are Asking the United Nations to Recognize Pornography and Prostitution as Forms of Torture" (National Center on Sexual Exploitation (nee, Morality in Media))
"Tell Amnesty International to Change Their Policy on the Decriminalization of Prostitution" (National Center on Sexual Exploitation (nee, Morality in Media))
"all those who believe in the sanctity of life, regardless of whether they support or oppose the theoretical validity of brain-death criteria, [should] oppose the use of brain-death criteria to obtain organs for transplantation in clinical practice. We can then, as a single voice, support medical research seeking innovative, morally uncontentious ways to replace failing organs" (National Catholic Register, 10/25/21)
"It is everyone’s hope that rape victims, whether pregnant or not, receive the most compassionate and effective care available. Unfortunately, using Plan B and continuing to cite the faulty Peoria Protocol, based upon what we now know, is simply an immoral compromise—with the unintended consequence of the loss of human life and the abandonment of truly loving and courageous Christian health care" (Dr. Chris Kahlenborn, 4/8/19)
Certain other "contraceptives" can act as abortifacients! For example, it has long been known that other hormonal "contraceptives" can cause early abortions and are deadly dangerous (e.g., 1, 2) and just about every pharmacy (including those in supermarkets and department stores!) provides such. No parish should be allowing advertisements from providers of abortifacients! Please speak with your pastor, to ensure that your parish - be it in a bulletin or a directory - does not have such ads.
Especially with Central Jersey and the Philly suburbs so much being a worldwide capitol for the pharmaceutical industry,
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